27 June 1696
For Mr
The 12 of May last I recd
yours of the 14th
of March [&]
the letters and Papers from the Councill and further dispatches the
good news of his Mts
preservation to all Parts of this Governmt
and the sevll
packets by Express to the other Colonies as directed
By this opportunity of the [Bristol] convoy I have transmitted
all publick Papers and account of transactions here to the
Principle Secty
of State and Lords of the Comittee and prayd
their favor for the Debts of the Governmt
, which do and hope
particularly from your self to whom the accounts are transmitted
by M [Andrew Bird]. For tho the London Fleet may soon arrive
I cannot see any progress that the Revenue can clearly dobl
and suffice for the Establishd and ordinary charges of the
Cannot express the [Demonstrations] of [illegible]
for his Mats
[preservation] upon which addresses and associations
from all Parts sent to M Povey to wait on Lord of Shrewsbury
therewith, In which also Pray your favor for his Mts
Coll Wormley secty
here being mostly disposed has appointed
Coll Edmund Jennings Depty
and I have admitted him to
officiate in his stead, who desires to be recomended to yor
which I doubt not by his Endeavr
in that [Station], I also pray
your favor for Coll Johnson as by my favour taken into the
Councill and serves Coll Cha: [Scarburow] on the Death of Coll
Lear who is succeeded in the Colls place of the Lower d[illegible]
of James River by Coll Danl Park. I am &c
E Andros
Virga 27 of June 1696