Virginia ye 24th Aprill 1697
This is on return of ye
fleet for to
acknowledge ye
favour of yrs
of ye
, 4th
of March & 21th
of Aprill 96 and
[thus] on Mr
Blair's produsing his warrant
to restore him to ye
Councill tooke
his place acordingly And that I have
submited to what you had agreed & paid
£300 to my [illegible]cal receiver in Mariland
tho Sr
Tho: Lawrence on his returne
by a memoriall Exposed it to ye
of Burgesses as by order ye
letter & receipt
b[ut] as y do now understand what
iregularity ye
made in that proces
sing of the £500 having been alowed
me in Councill by ye
unanimous opi
nion of ye
Councill Sr
Tho: Lawrence
there & warrents ordered to be [enforced]
& next day brought in & signed in
Councill for thus ye
alowance to Coll
Greenbury [illegible] presidt
to be paid out
of many in Mr
Platers hands for
that use, nor do know any misbehaviours
comited by me in Mariland or here
but if any thing aleagedly [illegible]
full favor to know & [Ans] itt & not
[illegible]ander unknown imputations
& lyable to be [illegible] mine & reduced, &
[have] by waye of shameles persons,
is more excuse then any [cencane]
whatsoever but shall Esteem ye
Examination [illegible]quis & proceeding
as a greater favor and remaine
your faithfull and
most humble servant
E Andros