Whitehall 21st Octob 1689
I received by Mr
Randolph the favor of your
letter dated the 8th
of Jan and by the same
conveyance I take leave to thanke you for it,
and to assure you of my readiness to serve yw
and the Colony on all occasions. It is true
the neglect of sending over Agents has disappointed
the Expectations of the King & Councill but His
however as you may see by the letter
Mr Randolph brings over with him gives them a
further opportunity of coming over and rectifying
past mistakes. As to ye
Acts of Trade
The Lords here are so intent upon
having them only observed that they
have procured Mr Randolph a Comission…
under the great seale the better
to countenance him in ye Execuón
of his office and The King has thought
fitt to recommend him write a letter in his behalf to The Magistrate
in [illegible] the most pressing [illegible]
in the most [illegible] manner
so that indeed I believe there is —
nothing can recommend ye
colony more to the King His
Matys favor than a due observance
of those [Acts] and a reall encouragmt
of His Matys offices Mr
and his Deptys in the [preservation]
of their Duty
Randolph will also communicate
to you a commission granted to
me in reference to His Matys
in service with the deputacón I have
given him and thereupon I [desire yr
kindness that a matter wherein I am concernd
for the Kings service may meet with ye
intended effect
which I will be ready to acknowl
to you whene ever it shall lye in
my power to assure you