The arrival of ye
Governour here (with my old friend) as it tends
greatly to ye
Honour & benefit of this Place to ye
public so I hope I
shal have particular cause to thank Heaven for my private sa=
tisfaction; having had his Honrs
favourable & kind expressions, & —
more than so, his orders already for ye
putting me into possession
of my due profits (such as they are) kept from me so long. I have
now power too by Order of ye
in Council to enter your Pa=
tent on record (with my own grant from yor
self) which hath bin
so oft denied; and to cause ye
& others to bring in their
accounts. The Governour has by this conveyance sent his to ye
Lords ye
Comittee of Trade &c which when you shal peruse you wil
(I presume) conclude, we have not bin idle, but have dispatched
very wel for ye
time. The Governr
is pleased to tel me too, that
he has made a description of ye
nature & state of this Province,
& the ways for its improvement. To which I humbly desire to add
that of ye
Province of Main, which many of its Inhabitants, sensi=
ble of ye
present inconvenience & confusion, have petitioned His Maty
to take into His own Royal protection & Government, which if it
be, & annexed to this litle one (not exceeding eighteen miles in
breadth upon ye
Sea) if I may properly word its so in congru=
ity of speech ye
lesser things are adjoined to ye
greater: for from
Pastataqua river to the eastern bounds of ye
Province, it is no less yn
30 leagues : It is likewise accomdated with many good harbours;
whereas our N Hampshire has no other port but ye
river to wch
the Bostoners, as purchasers of Main, lay equal claimes to ye
privileges thereof: But this litle Province, at pr
sent inconsiderable,
for ye
fisheries are supplyed chiefly by them; so in this & yt
can make no Laws & rais no Taxes for support of ye
but such as wil pr[illegible]e us & advantage them: This Province I say,
being consolidated with that, wil not only support His Mats
honourably for ye
sent by restoring ye
Lost Trade to this River, but
wil in few years be rendred perhaps not inferiour to Boston. Sr
, I
humbly leav these considerations with you, & take yr
of leav to write myself
Yr most faithful humble servant
Richd Chamberlain