20th of February 1692/3
Having writt at the Same time to M Mather I will
say the loss to your Excellcy
of this great work that is in hand
The [rather] because you will receive by the same conveyance
His Majesty: Commands contained in his Gracious
Letter requiring the [Conjunction] of his People of New England
to the Forces his Majesty is Sending against Nova Scotia
& Canada Your Excellcy
will Easily forsee what
Supplies of men ships & Provisions for this great
undertaking will be requisite. And how much your
honor as well as duty is concerned to mannage the
Expedition & the preparations towards it wth
vigor & dispatch I need not mention Sr
Wheeler is appointed Admiral at Sea And [illegible]
an Experience'd officer, bred up in the Low
countreys commands the veterane Troops and the
Service by lands as your Excellcy
will lead the New England
volunteers, for whose sake more Imediately this great &
chargeable attempt is to be made
I acknowledge the receipt of your
letter of ye
of October giving
an accot
of the unhappy
distraction of the Country by witch craft, or
pretense of it. His Majty
has been Inform'd
of the contents and orders will come by the
first direct conveyance