Honble Sr
You were pleased when I was in London to desire mee
to give you an account concerning my Salary. you
know my respect to this Country made me refuse
it in England and to put my selfe upon their [Curtesie]
because I thought I had done Enough to oblige them
to gratitude, but I find my mistake for I have noe
Salary Settled, nor Intended, the Generall Court had
it under consideration, but being influenced by
some persons, whose Envy prompts them to oppose
every thing that is for my creditt or advantage, they
have only ordered mee five hundred pounds, as
a gratuity wch
I have not yet recd, and a small
part of what I have Expended for the Publique,
and I now Serve their Majties
and this Countrey att my
owne Expence and am likely Still to doe soe, unless
their Majties
will bee graciously pleased to take
this matter into their Royall Consideration, in
Regard their Majties
have been graciously pleased to
Honor mee with their Royall Comission, I would
not make it look little had I wherewith of my
owne Estate to bear up the Grandure thereof,
I should Regard their Majties
above any
thing that concernes my selfe. But I know it
is not agreeable to their Majties
Princely inclin
ations, to Suffer any of their Subjects to Serve them
att their owne Charge and I should neglect
my duty should I forbear to give an accot of this
matter. And the persons who have been the
occasion thereof, (already marked out unto you)
have noe more respect unto their Majties
then for my Selfe, except where their owne
Honour or interest leads them. Sr, I desire
you will bee pleased to move in the matter,
according as you think convenient, wch
shall bee duely acknowledged by
Whilliam Phips
New England
the 27th Feb 1692/3
To Mr Blathwayte