Boston in New England the 26th day of
September 1693/
A copy of your letter to mee of the 27th Feb 1692/3 came to hand the latter
end of July last by the Captain of the Samuell and Henry being about a
weeke before the Fleet Sayld from hence for England and was the first
newes I received of his Majties
Resolution of attaqueing Canada
this Year thereby
I understood that his Majtie
Had signified his Royal Comands to mee by his
most Gracious Letter concerning that affaire but I did not receive the
Same untill the 24th of September last which was nere two months after the
Fleet Sayl'd from hence, by this meanes I could make noe Preparation against the
arrivall of the Fleet for that Noble designe which I Soe much thirst after
I cannot expresse my griefe for the losse of this opportunity of subdueing Canada
and Bringing it under their Majties
obedience because I know how much the
Effecting thereof would bee for their Majties
interest and because I fear there will
Scarce bee for the future such an opportunity, although I would not altogether
dispair thereof but waite til their Majties
Comands doe give mee opertunity
to accomplish that necessary and much desired Service, which I Should Cheer
fully attempt although with the greatest [Hazzard]. Their Majties
Fleet undr
the Command of Sr Francis Wheeler arrived here about the middle of June
from [martinica] in a very Sickly condition whereby many of their men
were lost but such Endeavours were here used for the recovery of the Sick
and Sweetening the Ships that few dyed after their arrivall and the
whole Fleet and Land Forces were in a healthfull Condition before their
departure. I have received her majesties most Gracious letter Signifying
her Royal approbation of my stopping the proceedings against the people
here accused for witchcrafte for which my most Humble thanks are due unto
her most Excellent Majestie. In July last a French Privateer from
[Martinica] with 130 men landed one Hundred and nine of them att a place
called Sandwich in this Province but they had not been longe on Shoar before
two Companyes of our Militia marched against them and tooke them
all Prisoners and att the Same time their Majties
Ship Norswich comanded
by Captain Thomas Dobbins (Successor of Captain Short lately Suspended) wch
I had ordered to cruise off Rhode Island after two dayes Chase tooke their
Ship with the Rest of the men and retooke a Brigantine wch
was by them taken from the English. I caused the men to bee brought to Boston and
put on board the Fleet because of their want of men. I have Caused
a good Stone Fort to bee built att Pemaquid
with my continuall attaque
ing the Indians upon all occasions hath Soe Terrifyed them yt
they have
submitted themselves to their Majties
Royall authority and desired an everlasting
peace wch
I concluded with them att Pemaquid the 11th day of August last
according to the inclosed articles wch
is a true copy of the originall. there was
lately some Danger of a breach between the Maquaa's our Westerne
Indians & New Yorke
and this Province but that matter is now accommodated.
I have given you an account that I had Signifyed unto the Governours of
New Yorke
and Pencilvania
her Majesty comands
to mee concerning our agreement for the assistance of New Yorke of
which I have recd
an answer and the time for the meeting of
the Severall comissioners from every of the other Provinces for Setting
that affaire is to bee the first wednesday of october next at New Yorke
By duplicates sent in aprill last by Mr Prince and Mr [Wadland]
I gave you an account of what had Then occurred which I doubt not
are longe before this come to your hand therefore I repeat nothing
then written The reason why I did not send by the fleet was
because Mr Jackson who had the care of my Letters was taken
Sick when hee should have Gon on board the Suddennesse whereof
was Such that the Fleet being under Sayle were out of Sight before
the Delay upon that occasion could bee recovered.
I desire you will be pleased to move his Majtie
to order 20 Great Gunns
with Such amunition as to his Majtie
Shall seem meet
to bee Sent to New England for the Fort att Pemaquid for
it will thereby not onely bee able to resist the Force of all the Indians
in America but alsoe any attaque that can bee made by the
French by Sea with their greatest Force they can send into America
att this Juncture wch
wee cannot reasonably imagine can be very for
midable I have no viewes of Thomas Cox Esqr of wch
his Majties
most gracious letter make mention who is I fear by Some Sad accident
miscarryed .
William Phips