Oct 3 1693
My other letter gives you an account of the peace wth
our Easterne Indians with a Coppy of the articles
and this is to acquaint you that thereby wee have an op
portunity put into our hands which (if Embraced) will bee
of considerable advantage. It is by the Beaver and Peltry
trade with those Indians which I know will be worth
two thousand pounds p [annm] (all charges deducted) if not
much more. I present it to your consideration as
If you will procure for mee their Majties
letters Pattents for that Trade I will make over the one
halfe thereof unto yourselfe. The stock will bee five
hundred pounds by each of us which will bee Doubled the
First year out of which your principall shall bee returned
for England and the remaineing five hundred pounds
will bee a Sufficient stock for carrying on the Trade wch
will thenceforth produce a Constant pure gaine one
halfe whereof will bee every year returned unto you
and the other remain for a New Stock. The argum
ents for it are Such as you will See in the inclosed Petition
to the Kings Majtie
if you think convenient I desire
you will make use of in my behalfe as alsoe
that for my Sallary if it bee necessary; and likewise I
intreat you to present unto his Majtie
the Enclosed letter
I should not addresse the Kings Majtie
imediatly were it not
upon Such an extraordinary occasion, and that I know
your delivering this letter and speakeing favourably of mee
to his Majtie
will Render it acceptable.
William Phips
in New England
the 3d October 1693/