I entreat you to have a watchfull eye upon
Mr: Joseph Dudley, who is lately gonne for England
hee is fill'd with Envy against mee, for noe
other cause, but yt the markes of his Majties
Favour are conferred upon mee; his mallice hath
moved him to Speak words wch
declare his Ill designes; hee is here hated
by the Generality of people, although hee
hath formerly preached unto them from
the Pulpitt; but that maxim is here
received, the best things when degenerated
are the worst, and such is their opinion
of him, and noething can oblige them
more, then to hinder him from comeing
back to new England in any Publique
capacity. I know you are able to doe
soe, therefore desire you will thereby
oblige your
William Phips
in New England
the 3d October 1693
To Mr Blathwayte