in New England
the 18th Janry 1693/4
In the Ship Samuell and Henry by Mr Benjamin
Jackson my Clerke, (whome I dispatched to give you
a true and exact account of the condition of this their
Province to the preventing of false reports and
Calummies) which I hope you are before this satisfied of
and having this opportunity I could not with out dispens
ing with the trust their Maties
have reposed in mee,
omit to acquaint you of what since has occurred
humbly intreating you to say the same before their
On the 23d
of Decembr
last I sailed for Pemaquid
order to meet the Sachems of the Indians and to bee
informed of their behaviour and fidelity to the articles
made with them, at my arrivall I found that their
Ennemies the french, had used their utmost
endeavours to break the Same but they have been
without successe, for the Indians have without the
any difficulty changed their hostages which are kept
att Boston & pledged for their fidelity.
The Indians also Informe mee that the small
pox is very [sore] at Quebec
and sweeps away many of
the Inhabitants and Indians, which seemes encoura
ging for an attack upon them in the spring if their Maties
think fitt, and with Some assistance from England
If their Maties
are pleased to comit the conduct of their
forces unto mee, who am ready to serve their Maties
that Expedition with my life and fortune, I doubt not
but by Gods assistance to [redeme] that place to their Maties
obedience and of what honour and advantage it would
bee to the Engllish Crowne I submit to your Judgemt