July 16 1692
Honoble Sr
I may not Omit to render my hearty Acknowlegment of Obligation
and Gratitude unto yor
selfe for yor
favour in the Honour confer'd
upon me by their Majesties appointing me to be secretary of their
Province of the Massachusetts Bay; In which Office I shall studiously
Endeavour to approve my Selfe in all Loialty and good fidelity
unto their Maties
Service. And in Obediance unto his Maties
Signified to me in a Letter from the Right Honoble
the Lords of his
most Honoble
Privy Council the Committees for Trade and
foreign Plantations, I have by Captain John Ware Commander of
the FriendShip, transmitted unto your Selfe the acts made and
passed by the great and General Court or Assembly, with the
Copy's of the minutes or Journals of the Council &c to be Laid
before their Lordships; And shall take care to forward Duplicates
thereof by the next Succeeding Conveyance. I am Informed by a
Letter from Mr Povey, that your Selfe was pleased to order a Box of
Rul'd paper for that purpose; but am not advised to whose care it was
committed, I have made Inquiry about it, but cannot hear of it, In want
thereof I have Endeavoured attend the best direction I could gather
from Mr Povey's Letter for the forms of his transcribing of
the Journals of
the Councill, and hope you will please to have me Excused, if it do not so
exactly conform to what was Expected, what is wanting or amiss therein,
upon Your Intimation shall readily be amended for future. The Affair's
of the War, together with the intending of what was necessary for settle
ment of the Government, has put upon those [hurry's] that may render
things done less digested and imperfect, Sr his Excy is now
setting forward an Expedition against the french and Indian Enemy
and intends to go in person to conduct that attaque, which I hope will be
attended with good Success for the giveing Check to the Insolence of
those treacherous and barborous Enemy's he purposes to Embarque
within a few day's, And I understand is preparing before his departure to lay
before his Majesty an Account of the present State of Affayres here.
by which you will be more fully Informed; With the [tenders] of my most
humble Service, Praying the continuance of yor
favour. I subscribe
Jsa Addington
July 16th 1692 [seal]
Mr Blathwayt