Honble Sr
My last was of October 4th [by] Capne
Beard, who
sailed under Convoy of the Samuel and Henry, and I hope arrived
safely, by whome I sent you the Duplicates of the Journals of the
Council Laws &c which were before forwarded by Capne
No opportunity has since presented until now. These come by
Fay, to whom have delivered the Acts passed by ye
at their last sitting; with Copy of the Minutes or Journal of the
Council &c all made up together and directed unto yor
which I wish safe to your hand.
In mine [by] Capne
Beard I acquainted you that about a month
before the date thereof his Excy
had put into my hand a Deputa-
tion from your self as Auditor General &c which he had then [newly]
received. I had therewith no Letter nor Instructions to direct in ye
management thereof or what allowance is expected and prayed yor
Honour to let me understand what methods are proper in that
affaire; But no Ship is since arrived here from London, whereby
I might receive an answer. I would gladly be serviceable to
your Honour to the utmost of my power. I have spoken
unto Mr Treasurer to prepare his accompt, that so I may have
it to transmit by the next
His Excy
and Council have prepared an Address unto
their Majties
to represent and lay before them the state and
condition of this their Province thrô the difficulties and dis-
tresses of the War and humbly to supplicate their Princely
consideration and Favour in that and other Respects; which is
forwarded under cover to Sr
Henry Ashurst & Mr Constantine
Phips, whome they have desired and appointed to wait upon
their Majties
humbly to present the same, and to attend them
in any other affaires of the Province, as occasion may offer
There has been now some considerable Respit from any
attack of the Enemy, it's thought the cutting of their Provisions
the last summer has considerably straightened them, thô ye
Frontiers are constantly upon their Guard, and in Expectation
of their comeing, and charges are daily arising; what further
concerns the publick, you will receive in a Letter from the
Council and by his Excys
particular Letters.
, I hope you will please to Excuse the defects for want
of forme or otherwise which you shall find in my Returns
Having not been before accustomed to such methods. I Shall
willingly receive the notification of what is amiss, and strenuoulsy
Endeavour for future to rectifie the same, and in all things to
approve my self sincerly devoted to their Majties
Craveing leave to kiss your hand being ready to receive your
Your humble Servant
Jsa Addington
The inclosed was Enacted since
the making up the former, for
Explaining and altering of some
Clauses and Sentences therein; the
Ship being still here, I thought it
advisable to forward the same
therewith -