Whitehall 26th Feby 1692/3
I have read both your Lrs
of ye
July & 14th
the Acts of Assembly
the and other Transcripts & Duplicates of ye
wherein I am to own your great care and
punctuality which I desire you to continue
for his Majtys
Service I understand at ye
same time
you had recd
my deposition for ye
office of Auditor
which came to you wth
the Letters patents
without any [Lre]
from my selfe wch
was occasioned
by ye
great hurry I was in upon my attending his
into Flanders, nor can I at present give
any other instructions [yn]
such as are contain'd in
grant it selfe & Deputation. The intent of
both of them being that the publick accots
be duly examin'd
and presented audited, and presented in a proper
method to the Councill & Assembly for their Allowance
and so to be transmitted unto [by land]
The Chief end of troubling you was rather for their
Service then for any p[ar]ticular view of [profit]
which I do not otherwise propose to my selfe than as
may be thought reasonable by such who have the
direction of those accots
and in ye
first place I
should be glad your pains & care were duly considered
as By this conveyance the Governor receives
a Lre
from his Majty
the contents whereof will
afford you [complaynt] enough But your Zeal for
his Majty
Service & ye
publick good will carry you
through it. I shall not add any more at
present but that I am
yor most humble Servt
Mr Jsa Addington