New England
24 Oct: 1693
From M Addington
Recd 21 Dec: 1693
[by] Capt Bant
I am indebted for the favour of yours of the 2d
of March
via Virginia, which came not to hand until the Twenty-third of the last month. I forthwith on receipt thereof delivered yours under
cover of mine, unto Lieut
Governour Usher. At the same time
I had the Honour also of one from Mr
Blathwayt, whose
directions relating to the Accompts of the Treasury I shall carefully
observe, and should have transmitted them by this Conveyance,
but his direction is that they be first laid before the Council and
Assembly, who will not set before the Eighth of November next,
at which time I shall present them. I have written unto
Blathwayt by Lieut
Colonel Hutchinson one of the Council
who has the care of the publick Letters, he comes in their Majties
Ship the Samuel & Henry. Before I knew of his Intentions
I had delivered the minutes of Council and Assembly and other
writings concerning the affaires of the Government unto Capn
Bant Commander of the Ship America, who sailes under Convoy
of the Samuel & Henry, and I hope will arrive in safety
whereby you will have an accompt of what has passed here
since my former by the Fleet under Sr
Francis Wheeler, who
sailed hence the first of August past. This Province is at
present in good repose and quiet from annoyances by the Enemy
And thrô mercy in reasonable health, the contagious sickeness
brought hither with the Fleet being stayed.
I heartily acknowledge with all thankfullness your many
immerited favours and shall be glad of an opportunity to be
any waies serviceable unto you, wherein I may approve
my selfe as really I am
Your sincere Friend &
obliged Servant
Jsa Addington
Boston October 24th 1693