21 October 1695
From M Addington
[illegible] Rd 17 Janry
The £100 formerly ordrd
has been
delayed with the Mast Ships
The people grow poor by ye
a party from Pemaquid
attackt by [illegible] Indians
The consideration of the weighty affaires of far greater importance
lying upon your hands, and your personal attendance on his Maty
has occasioned me to omit the giving you the trouble of my Lines, thô
I have not failed to embrace all opportunites from hence to write unto
Povey and to transmit unto him an Accompt of the affaires of the
Government and now send a further Accompt thereof by this Conveyance
according to the particulars mentioned in my Letter to him. I am
sorry the hundred pounds which I formerly acquainted yor
honour was
ordered by the General Assembly to be presented you has lay'n so long
behind. being directed to be paid out of th' effects of the Naval Stores —
the Ship on which they are laden having waited until this time for
Convoy, and now comes under the same with the Mast Ships, which
I hope will all arrive in safety. Sr
Henry Ashurst is desired to
wait upon you therewith.
The people of this Province are greatly streightned and
impoverished by the Distresses of the War, especially with the cruel &
bloody Salvages, by whom they are in hourly danger of being —
murdered as they are attending their necessary occasions abroad —
whereon their livelyhood depends, whilst those barbarous Villaines
sculk in small parties about all the out Towns waiting for opportunities
To do mischief having the advantage of Trees & bushes to lye -
undiscovered, and to escape upon pursuit, which puts many upon
meditating a remove into other parts where they may be more free
from such dangers, and eased of Taxes. Somewhat more than a
month since about Thirty of the Garrison Souldiers belonging to -
Pemaquid were going up a River in a Gundelo to fetch Firewood for
the use of the Fort, and as they turned about a point of Land were
fired at by a party of Indians that lay covered behind some high
rocks upon the sd
point, and killed one man outright wounding
nine more, three of which are since dead of their Wounds.
I have written more particularly to Mr Povey of occurences
here, therefore pass them over in this.
I am not unsensible of my great Obligations unto yor
Honour and shall not be wanting in endeavours wherein I may
express my gratitude by rendring you the best of my Services —
praying the continuance of your favours to him who is in all
Your affectionate and
humble Servant
Jsa Addington
October 21st
: 1695