Honble Sr
I had the honour of yours of the 8th
of February past, by which I am made sensible
of the renewed obligations you have laid me under by your imerited Favours, and shall
seek occasion to manifest the real demonstration of my hearty gratitude for the same
It is no small satisfaction unto me That my sincere endeavours for the promoting his
service find acceptance & makes me with the more alacrity undergo the Fatigue of the
extraordinary attendance and business which the present difficult circumstances of the Province
calls for in my station: the Perquisits for which are not so great as to excite the Emulation
of any that may seek the same
, The report of the late horride and detestable conspiracy against his Matys
person and Government was no less astonishing and amazing to his Matys
good Subjects
here, than the Joy wherewith they entertained the Intelligence of timely discovery &
defeatment of the same, which We happily received at the same time. The Lieut
forthwith issued out Dedimus Potestatem to the Justices in the several Countys to administer
the oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy
according to Act of Parliament unto all male persons of the age of 18 years that had
not before taken the same, which was accordingly performed, and a day of publick
Thanksgiving has been appointed and kept throughout this Province for so signal and
merciful a Providence. The General Assembly now sitting do by this Conveyance
forward their congratulatory address upon that occassion being the first opportunity
has presented since the Arrival of that Intelligence, and have also subscribed the
Association established by Act of Parliamt For ye
better security of his Matys
Royal person & Governmt
The Several Letters and orders of the Rt
the Lords of his Matys
most Honble
Privy Council transmitted by Mr Povey came safe to hand and in Obedeance to his Matys
Comands The Act of Parliament for preventing Frauds & Regulating Abuses in the
Plantation Trade has been published here. And the General Assembly have under
consideration the Laws which have been disallowed with the particular Reasosn given
in their Lordships Letter of repealing the same in order to an Amendment. The
variation betwixt the Charter and the Precept made to be sent forth by ye
for Electing of Representatives observed by their Lordpps
is not in the Charter under
The broad Seal brought over by Sr
William Phips and published here at the Entrance
of the present Government that makes the qualifications of Electors of Assembly men to be
a Freehold worth Forty Shillings [per] annum or other Estate to the value of Forty pounds Sterling
what mistake is therein, hapned in that Engrossment of the Charter the Precept being made
agreeable thereto. The Assembly are also preparing an Adddress unto his Maty
lay before him the State of his Province and to supplicate his Royal Aid which
they hope to send forward by the Mast Fleet
, The Enemy have made such Impressions upon the Province this last Sumer
first by the takeing of the Newport Frigat, and afterwards the unfortunate loss of
Pemaquid Fort (a particular narrative whereof will be transmitted by the Lt
and the mischiefs done by sculking parties of the Indians, and the great Scarcity of
Provisions, the principal part of the Harvest being lost by Blast & the unseasonableness
of the weather that people here are under wonderful discouragements being reduced to
great poverty, and many remove into the more southern Plantations, where they hope
to live less exposed to the rage of the Enemy and more free from Taxes
There is now a force of near Five hundred effective men under the conduct of
Lieut Coll Hathorne & Majr
Church, together with his Matys
Ship Arundel
the Province Gally and two others Vessells equipped for War and Several Transports
abroad in the Easterne parts of this Province towards Nova Scotia, to make some
Attempt upon the Enemy, and to endeavour the removeing of the French Garrison
Setld upon Johns River and the surprizing of the great ordnance & other Warlike
Provision and Stores lately brought thither from France, further to enforce yt
from whom We have had no Intelligence since their departure, if it please God to
succeed them in that Enterprise it may much conduce to his Matys
Upon the Notice of the two French Ships of War that surprized the Newport
and afterwards came to Pemaquid, being on this Coast, his Matys
three Frigats the
Arundel, Sorlings & Oxford joyned by a Merchant Ship taken up for his Matys
mounted with 36 Guns, the Province Gally & a Fireship were forthwith sent forth in
quest of & for the attacking them, and hapned to come in sight of the Road at
Mount [Desart] where they together with the Newport were lying at Anchor, which
put them into great Confusion & distraction, and to worke to get out the wind dying away
our Ships by all their Endeavours (being becalm'd) could not reach the Road, the French
having a small Breeze off the High Land, in the night got out, and were desired the next
day by our Ships who lay becalm'd until afternoon at which time the Sea Breeze
came up, and then gave Chase and fetcht upon the Enemy, who when night came
on altered their Course, and the next day proving very foggy, ours lost sight of the
French, who stood off into the the Sea, and two dayes after surprized three Fishing
Vessels bound home from Cape Sables, one of which they sold to the men to bring them
home, and gave them an Accott
that they were chased by his Matys
Frigats & feared
if it had not been for the Fogg they should have been taken & continued to make the most
advantage of their sailing to ye
Eastward expecting the Frigats were in pursuit of them
We have the report of two Squadrons of French Ships of War in the West Indies
hope the near approach of the Winter may prevent their visiting of this Coast
The Lieut
Governour upon receipt of the Signification from Rt
the Lords
of the Council of the designes from France to make some attempts upon the ports of
America gave necesary orders for the putting of all things in the best posture for defence
and the publick Fortifications are repaired and set in good order The Expectations
from time to time of the speedy arrival of his Matys
Governour has been some
hindrance to the putting forward some things that may be for our better security.
The Province is in a very poor and distrest condition and his Matys
Interests here in
danger to be exposed unless supported by early supplys of amunition and other
Warlike stores the next Spring, and some Ships of War of greater force than those at
present assigned to this station which I suppose will be humbly represented & laid
before his Maty
by the General Assembly in their Addresses
I have transmitted by Capt Fleetwood Emes Comander of his Matys
Ship the
Sorlings Convoy to this Fleet the minutes of Council and Journall of the General
Assembly with the Laws last made by them the Treasurers Accotts
of the year
1695 and Duplicates of what I forwarded by Capt
Beard who sailed hence in May
last. what comes in the Sorlings is comitted to the care of the Captain with a short
letter directed unto your Honor
who I confide will deliver them with speed, God
sending him safe. I have his Receipt for the same:
I am pressed with the business of the General Assembly now sitting, and the dispatch of
Addresses and Applications unto his Maty
to be forwarded by this Fleet but hope to
gain some time before their Sailing to give your Honor
a further Accott
of what may
occur in the interim, and shall also write to Mr Povey but being desirous of dispersing
my Letters into several Ships for fear of miscarriage, was loth to fall behind hand least
I should miss the opportunity. I crave leave to kiss your hand, wishing you all happiness
I am in all sincerity
your very much obliged
humble and thankful servant
Jsa Addington
Boston Septr