Boston Jan 25 1697
From Mr
Honble Sr
In my severall letters this last summer, and by this opportunity, I have
given to the Lords Commissioners of the Councill of Trade, a full account
of all that was in theirs to me from tyme to tyme contayned, and
of what was needfull for me to acquaint them with; And so have
nothing further to interupt your Honor with at this tyme, but
with all thankfullnesse to acknowledge the kindesse of your
particular letter to me of the 6th
of Febr: last, which is so much
the greater and obliging to me, because it is the continuance
of that favour and regard to me in his Majties
service, which
for so long a tyme I have had the testimonies and effects of
from you, of so great value with me, and incouragement
to me, thus I cannot Ever be unmindfull thereof or by any
faylure and neglect, make a forfiture thereof at any tyme.
I have been very sensible of the many difficulties, almost dayly
occurring in this tyme of my management, and of those publick
losses, and disasters that have happened also within the province
by the hand of the Enemy, But the good Effects of the peace
now concluded, together with the happy arrivall of his Ex
cellency the Govr
which we wayt for, will (I trust) in a little
tyme, change the whole state of things with us much to the better
In Confidence whereof it will not only be most
agreeable to me, but esteemed as a great honor to
give up the Government into so noble and prosperous
hands. And whatsoever [torn]thic publick service shall during
his Majties
pleasure remain for me, under the happy di
rection & conduct of so worthy a Governor I shall
most sincerely endeavor to Express all that loyalty
and dilligence which I ow to the greatest and best
of Masters therein. With my Earnest desire of
your Honors long continuance & multiplyed happinesses
I am
Your most obliged &
most Humble Servant
Wm Stoughton