Torbay 22 August 1693
After my humble service presented
Not knowing but this may be the first. I
make bold to acquanit you, that I came in a Hollands
ketch from New England; whence wee departed the 15th
of the last month, and left there at [or] neere Boston, Sr
Fran. Wheelers Squadron, who had been there about a month,
came from Martinico (of their ill success there, I supporte
you have been acquainted) and (as he sayd) would saile
in 3 or 4 [days] after us, homewards, only purposed to take
Newfoundland in their way. They have had a great
mortality abord, since their defeat, by which considerably
more men have dyed, than otherwise, amongst other Gentt Folck in summer there was
only left 550 of the 2 Regiments of soldiers, and the
shipps not half man'd and of those not half seamen, wch
are now in good health, some little supply of seamen he
will get, but not many.
The Nonesuch had taken a french Caper at or about Rode Island
with 126 men
would be dispersed amongst them.
I cannot omit giving you an accompt of an observation
I have made, That is, I am persuaded, The careless nasty
Idlness of your Cooks is the occasion of so much sickness
abord the Shipps, for on the inside of the upper part of
the copper, in wch
the victuals is boyled, which they cannot
come at easeily, with their clensing utensils It is so thick
of [funn'd cankory] matter, which proceeds from the copper
I think enough to breed an infection and the more
southward the Shipps goe, and the longer stay, the greater
influence it hath. I begg your pardon if I have trans
gressed & crave leave to subsribe my self
Your humble Servt
George Turfrey