May 21 1687
Castle 21th
of May 1687
I haveing this opportunity coul[d] not but acquaint you that I Received
your kind letter on the nineteenth of this instant, for which favors
I shall never be capable of repaying, but with my thanks, prayers, and
well wishes for your Long Life and prosperity, and likewise so your
Lady, Mr
Mason bringing that good newes of your Happy Nuptialls, which
no one Rejoyes more of this your Hapiness than my self, and now to
acquaint you of the newes here that Capt
Hambleton is dead, he was
Buried on [White Sun tuseday] he Lay in State att the Governors, Six or
Seven days, he was Buried very Hansomly Like a Comander, Such
funeralls being a very great novelty here, Caused a great Many specta
tors, the Kings fisher is now gotten into the Dock after a great deall
of Labor and expence, his Excy
has been very diligant about it, and hath
been put to a great deal of trouble, but now I hope within a shorte
time her Damages will be Repared, here is one Mr ShirLock who is
made Shirife, I supose you may know him, he often Remembers
you, I think him to be a very Honest Gentl
man, haveing nothing more
at present only to acquaint you that the Country now begins to
be very pleasant, haveing a great deall of pastime both of
fishing and fowling, my Comand being at the Castle Iland, now
desireing to have my kind respects presented to yourselfe and to
your Lady
I Rest your Loving Kindsman
to serve you till death
Thomas Troffry