Boston N Engld 23d ffebry 1691/2
My Lords
I wrote by Capt
ffoy of this place of the 27th
7ber last wch
has beene the first Oppertunity
from hence or any other place, as also to the Lords
of great Degree & the secretary of state a copy
of wch
have here inclosed, but the sd
ship being
taken by the Enemy, the Pacquets were taken
also that yor
ships could not have any News
from me wch
was my Duty to Write.
And my Lords I humbly suppose that tis hard
in a seasonable time of twelve months, there
should not have beene found an Oppertunity granted
me to get to England, where I long to be, and to
be serviceable to their Maties
& the Nation in
vindication of the Protestant Religion
if Capt
Hicks had come according to his first
Order, to attend me home, then had I beene in ye
late summers fleet & this also wch
I drive at
I hope to the Nations Interest & wth
good Successe
When so many of these ships are taken I doe
not think fit to venture my selfe to france, and
so to be from the Publick good
When the Governr
comes I hope care will be
taken, if not before, & so I subscribe my selfe
Yor Ld ships most Obedient Servt
Robt [Robinson]
To Secretary Blathwait