3 Dec 1683
Boston in New England the 3 of
the xth
I am obliged to you for your Favour in writeing mee by our Agents return
which Letter I have received and observe what you write concerning affaires
in England, and how our friends are there wrongfully abused, I am glad God
has preserved our good friend Mr ferguson, and sent him over to your side
the water, where their malice cannot reach him, wee have (before yours
came to hand) heard the great sufferings of several the servants of ye
Lord, you say as to their intention to roote out Gods word from
amongst us, I will say with the Lords Prophett David the Righteous also
shall see this and feare and shall Laugh them to scorne, I am well assured
of the happiness to that great friend of Gods cause the Lord of Shaftsbury
who you said died in our good friend Mr Kicks house; if they could hee
should certainly have beene cut off by those evill doers for they can n[ot]
mould the Law as please, and make it their Studdy more to please men
then God, corrupt are they and become abominable in their wickedness
Jehova looked downe from heaven upon the Children of men to see if
their were any that would understand and seeke after him, thô all are
seeking after vanity and have not God before their eyes. Truly I must say
with you never was any age so farr gone in whoreing after their owne
Lusts and pleasures yea from the King that sitteth on the Throne to the
beggar, an unwise man doth not consider this and a foole doth not under
stand it. It was a great griefe to mee to heare the death of that good
Lord Russell and how barborously the Earl of Essex was murthered in the
Tower. We may see with haste an Eye which way they intend to drive
poore England. Well wee can only say with Holy David our God shall
come and shall not keep silence there shall go before him a consuming
fire, and a mighty tempest shall bee stirred up round about him, to
him we will comitt all our concerns. I thank you for the care you have
taken in getting those prints in readiness to send mee by the next ship -
Pray lett mee have the following books with them, the new Covenant
of Scottland, Carryl upon Job and Mr
Owens last works with some
of the new Geneva prints that I may collect that I may collect of
all, to sweeten the milke for the pallat of those good Christians, who praysed
be to God receive with cheerfullness our administration. I am glad to heare ye
Lord hath raised up a defender for his people in Hungary and I am certainly
of opinion the Lords work will bee done by those heathens and the whores
of Babilon shall fall, his Late signes in the heavens did foretell such works
my prayers shall bee for their Victory for certainly it is his will it shall
bee so. As to affaires in these parts which you desire to have an account
of. I shall tell you the same weeke as our Agents arrived Randolph did
also arrive with a Summons from the King for our Charter, the next day after
hee arrived was a sad fire, burnt downe the richest part of the Towne,
which some believe was done by his means, for a few dayes after hee went
out of Towne, or certainly hee would have ended his dayes through some of
the tumultious sufferers, hee has made it his business to spread the Kings
declaration all about the Countrey, and persuaided two of the Colonyes to
fall off from their Uniteing with us. A generall Court has beene called
here which has held foreteene dayes. The Governr
and severall of the Magistr
ates not regarding their Oath to God and the Countrey esteeming rather to
please the King have voted to surrender up their Charter. But the Depty
with severall other Magistrates and most of the house of Deputies
who feare God more then man, are for keeping our priviledges which is
my opinion also for I cannot understand why wee should give away what
the Lord God hath afforded us and what ever the Event may bee wee ought
to stand by them with our Lives and Fortunes for so Ahab required
Naaboths Vineyard, Wee have had great incouragemt from England, for
severall good and worthy men among the Law Doctrs
have councelled
us to stand it out at Law, which most gives us hopes wee shall bee
able to maintaine though the charge bee very great. But in England
money will do much this Randolph has beene a mortall Enemie to the
Countrey and most say if hee had not often mooved his Majtie
it would
have been his concerne, for hee was sattisfied with our sending
away the Commisioners which came over some years since, It has
cost these poore people a great deal of mony and if 2 or 3000 [£]
buy it off wee have those will give it, Wee have good friends in England
who will Largely contribute but dare not bee seene for feare of troubles -
we expect great quantity of our friends to come over from England -
God will certainly avenge the bloud of his Saints, and those who see [true]
shall see and feare our greate Jehovah. Oh that wee may not [bend] the
knee to Baal nor worship any graven Image, our God is the greate
God and Jehovah is his name, hee hath strengthened his people in the
Wilderness and made his power knowne to the Heathen, yet wee have
some that runn a whoreing after their owne inventions, and fall off
from our Church. Oh that God would send a Daniel to interprett ye
Visions which our King may dayly see in the Heavens Least it bee said
no more beware, beware, but Vengeance fall upon the Nation, I will
say with John the Divine here is wisdome Lett him that hath under
standing count the number of the beast for it is the Number of a
man and his Number is six hundred three score and six and God will
certainly fullfill his sayeings pray when you see Mr ferguson give
him my kind salutes if hee continue his resolution of comeing over
here hee may bee sure of a hearty wellcome but I feare hee must bee
forced to change his name, for though wee have power in our Chartr
to receive and protect all who fly for persecution sake as wee did Gouff
and Whaley, yet wee feare that priviledge will bee forced from us
God grant wee may have the injoyment of our heavenly Charter wch
Jesus Christ hath purchased for us and would also bee demandd
some dare venture But there wee shall meete and the sheepe shall
bee known from the Goates, But now a Jesuite is a Courtier, a servt;
& what you will so as hee is no Enemie to the Court hee may bee any
thing. Some Report here that Mr Oates is out of favour for
discovering the Popish plott, [illegible]â had hee
but sworne for them hee would certainly have beene a Bishop if Sr
L. I. had pleased. This comes
to you by way of Barbados a Jew goeing thither and so to your place
promised to deliver it into your owne hands pray give my hearty
respects to Mr
Kick to whome I will write by a ship that may saile
about 3: weeks hence Mr
Kicks son is a hopefull young man &
one I dare say that fears the Lord: Randolph returns upon a Ship
that will sayle about three weeks hence, God will surely follow him
wherever hee goes for hee has much [illegible]diced us, if hee should miscary
in his Voyage it is Gods just judgement pray lett mee heare from
you by all occassions and lett your prayers bee constantly for us, as
wee continually pray for you and for all the true servants of the
Lord. I will conclude in saying the Lord Liveth and blessed bee my
strong helper and praysed bee the God of our Salvacon: Jehovah is
his name, to whom I commit you and am in all sincerity
in Christ Jesus
Increase Mather
Minister in Boston
To my worthy friend
in Amsterdam
by way of Barbados
Being Lately in Amsterdam accidentally came into my
hands a letter from Boston which I had time to copy and finding
you concerned therein, thought good to send you the copy. It is a
Long time since I see you in Scottland where your favour ever
obliged mee to bee your humble servant George Ross
To Ed: Randall Esqr
: at ye
Plantation Office