When I had the hapyness to converse with you att Whitehall, you will beare
me witness that I did what was in me to prevent those things wch
would in
the Conclusion have proved unhapy for this Colony. There is now Assembled
here in Boston a Generall Court. I have not been wanting to lett them
understand what great cause they have to be thankfull to their Majties
for the
priviledges by the new Charter Confirmed to them. My Endeavours and
p[er]suasions have hitherto had a good Effect as you will perceive by the addresses
are Intended to be humbly presented to their Majties
. The Generallity
of people here are extremely pleased with Sr
Phipps his being made
their Governor.
the Gentleman who are of his Council doe most Cordially fall
in with the pr
sent settlement.
I have discoursed Mr
Addington about the affaire you desired me to mention
to him, I doe not find in him any averseness but rather a willingness to
serve you therein, butt whether he may not bee of another minde when his
kinsman shall arrive, I cannot tell, butt shall then be able to say more than
att pr
sent. Some other particulars wch
you were pleased to discourse with
me about, are not as yett determined. I shall endeavour not to faile to
give you a true accompt of things as there shall be occasion for it. And I must
pray the continuance of yor
kindness to the simple honest Good people in
this Country. If in any thing I can serve you here please to command,
very humble Servt
Increase Mather
Boston June 22d 1692