W 20 Feb: 1692
You may well remember that from the beginning of
our first acquaintance I always told you my hopes and
Endevors were to see the [great] Countrey of New Engld
brought into such a land[illegible] by a proper dependance on
the Crown as thus they might some day not only be able
to defend themselves from their Hereditary Enemy the French
But likewise be able to Carry the War into their Bosom
and in all Probability wth
the Help of the divine Providence
[lure] them out of that Canaan which they so
vigirously possess. I will remember Nor have I forgotten the means &
time you proposed for this great and necessary event And must repeat
to you that the delay was cheifly occasioned by the
difficulties that were met with in selling the Charter
and the aversion some men showed to a moderate
compliance so that nothing of that kind could be
sooner undertaken, And But now it is that it has pleased the
King out of his great goodness & disposition
for the welfare of his subjects to send a Considerable strength of ships and men
into the West Indies and to direct S Francis Wheeler
the Admirall to sail to New England for the [Chanler]
Islands so as to be there by the last of May or Middle
of June at the furthest with a strength [Suffient] to
overcome the Enemy if I[illegible]d and [illegible]ded by the Force
of New England, I mean such a supply of [Marsh]
ships men and [provisons] as may serve a congress
of Nova Scotia and Canada, The only means to make
New England Happy and Secure hereafter. The
Furnishing of these supplies I know cannot certainly be [illegible]
done but by a willing ready and chearfull cenurrem
of the Governr
Councill and Assembly, the Representatives of the people who are to give their
helping hand to so glorious an undertaking. And
it is very well known how great your Influence is and ought to be
throughout the Masschusetts [Province] not to say all
New England (and so it ought to be when [your] knowledgableauthority
the experience ab[illegible] affect upon [illegible] and leave to your Countrey are duly
[Considered]) [illegible] so never [illegible]can there be such
an occasion as this for you to [use] assist with your best [persuasrey]
towards is for the people to share their zeal for their
Religion and Love to their King and Countrey. I refer
you to his Mtys
letter for other particulars. His Majty
has taken such care that been so carefull besides the Ships of War to send you
(if the number be not diminished by their service in ye
West Indies)
a thousand [illegible] Experienced Solders and under a Comander
who has looked the same Enemy in the face and will
show an Example worthy to be followed. Sr
I suppose will be at the head of the New England
Voluntiers and will easily [acquiesce] according to the
Rules of War in leaving the chief Comand as his
Majesty has determined it. I will add no more but
with all success to this great work And remain Sr
[illegible] to acknowledge his lettrs yor
affectionate & humbl
P Script
I am to thank you for your letter
of ye
of June which I received in
Flanders whether I am returning
with His Majty
in few weeks And am very glad to find all things tended to a good [illegible] in New Engld
The two
Addresses have been duly presented
to their Majties
who have received
them very gratiously
20 Feb 92/3
To M Mather