I am obliged to return my humble thanks for
of April 19. When the Laws are passed (as
you intimate they will be) it shall not be my fault
if this Country neglect their duty in a gratefull
acknowledgment of yor
good Endeavours to promote
a matter wherein their wellfare is so much concerned.
I persuade myselfe that Sr
Phips will be able
to clear Himselfe from any willing error in his
management here. I am sure that He is zelous in
promoting their Majesties Interest, & that He is beloved
by the generality of people throughout this province: And
that He has a great veneration for yor
selfe in par-
ticular; and you will find him ready to comply with
directions on all occasions. May you be instrumental
to obtain his continuance in the government, you
will do a most acceptable service for this whole
I remayn,
humble Servant
Increase Mather
Boston July 6