8 Novembr 1694
From [Mr
] Mather
To William Blathwait Esqr
Boston November 8 1694
The Last I had from you bears date April 19 wch
Answered in June Last. you will perceive by the Address wch
[our] general Assembly does at this time send to his Majesty; and
by the Letters wch
the Representatives in the Assembly have sent
to my Lord President, & to his Majesties principal Secretaries of State,
how great Satisfaction the people in this province take in
Phips his Governence. The Representatives would have had
me gone to England wth
the Governor, as their Agent but the
major part of the Council were not free to my going, not out of
any diskindness, but from their overvaluing a person so inconsiderable
as I am, supposing that the Country, & Especially the Colledge
Harvard could not spare me. Nor could I myselfe be willing to undertake
a winters voyage.
I have not been wanting to endeavour that yor
kindness to the
Country might be acknowledged. you can not imagine how miserably
they are impoverished by the warr wth
the French & Indians. Nevertheless
besides the 100 guinies ye
last year, there is now ordered for you an 100
more. which I confess is a very small consideration. but it shall be
none of my fault, if something more considerable be not sent to you
ere long. please to Let me understand how I may in any matter
serve you, who remayn, wth
great sincerity,
humble Servt
Increase Mather