Sept 25, 1696
It is my concernedness for the publick interest, which
makes me trouble you with Letters sometimes.
I suppose [our] general Assembly (wch
is now sitting) will
pray yor
Assistance, in promoting the things which they
now petition his Majesty for. The Reducing of Canada
will be not only a kindness to this province, but many ways
is Advantageous to the English Crown & Nation. No man Living
understands these matters better than yor
selfe. I have assured
those in power here, that you will readily improve yor
interest (wch
is great) for the promoting of what is
desired. The warr with the French & Indians, has bin
so heavy on this people, that they are worn out, and
ready to succumb under the burden.
You will please also to Encourage the passing of the
Lawes, wch
the general Assembly are now enacting. I must
in particular pray yor
favor as to that Law which
concerns [our] Colledge. I was yesterday in the house of
Representatives, and they are prevailed with to Reserve
a power of visitation in ye
King & his governor, for
Regulating the Affairs of the Colledge.
I hope you will not find ye
Assembly altogether un—
gratefull, for the kind offices you have, or shall do
for them.
Please, Sir, to Let me hear from you, & wherein I may
serve you. Who am in much sincerity,
Yors to Honor & Serve
Increase Mather
Boston Septbr