Boston 4th July 1694
Honble Sr
This Evening being Honrd
receiptt of yors
Aprill lastt where in
have Accott
whatt I have desired relating to my accotts
, is graunted
for the which I return you my humble thanks
I have come to my hands ye
enclosed to wch
mustt refer you
As to ye
exceptions to Mr
Phillips Accott
Late treasurer of ye
Territory & Dominion in N England, you have severall greatt sums ob-
jected agt
for wch
noe vouchers or receipts as to ye
Articles [illegible] 3:
5: 9: 11: 12: past [by] a voate in ye
Nota Phillips Hutchinson Townsend Winthrop Thornton had taken to themselves
800 [£] as being a Committee in ye
revolution time for signing of ye
of Creditt, & there was never any ordr
for ye
same by which means
the mony raised of ye
Kings subjects is converted to private
persons uses.
itt is judged greatt Summs of mony raised since ye
Arrivall of Sr
Phips is gon to pay for debts contracted in ye
revolution time
vizt & when Plimoth & Boston Collonys were distinct Govermtts
& Now how Plimoth though joind to Boston should come be obliged
to pay ye
debts due in Boston Govermtt
I understand nott [vide 11th
objection, & [incase] ye
Debts contracted & due when Sr
E: Andross
was Governor: could nott be allowed & paid wth
outt orders & direc
tions from ye
King. As to yor
min[illegible]itt of Councill 9th
now for monys to be issued outt of ye
Treasury, to pay debts contracted
by such who had noe power of Authority or Comission soe to doe &
refuse to pay yor
justt claimes of Debts by virtue of a Comission is a
paradox to me [hope]
Sauce for a Goose is good for a gander
Townsend [or] Phillips can produce noe [ordrs]
of Councill & vouchers wth
receipts for many Thousands of pounds raised recd
of Revolution, butt thatt he may nott be forced to make up his accotts
in England, ye
Assembly hath voated 100[£] sterl
to be pd
to yor
to pass or rather pass by his accotts
& thereby to phob you off as to yor
Sallary, if Mr
Phillips be obliged in England to make up his accotts
there will be such discovery of ye
unjustt Taxes of ye
people ytt
to have the same pastt by will constrain ye
people to [monde allegria]
then att presentt they incline to
Nota the people judge they can raise mony, dispose of itt whether ye
be allowed or disallowed in England [yea] they are of opinion ytt
Governors Sallary or any other is nott to be apointed by ye
King butt
Wherein I may receive yor
comands Shall att all times be willing
& redy to serve you, pardoning my dwelling upon subjects where
nott immediately concernd, is the desire of
Yor Honors obliged Servtt
Jno Usher