New Castle 18th July 1694
Honrd Sr
I herewth
inclose Sundry papr
s of proceedings in these parts
hope whatts done may be allowed of in England for
itt was onely done to assert ye
powers graunted in ye
Kings Comission, whatt Captt
Long did was designedly to putt
an afrontt & contempt upon me for ye
Nightt before
being 15th
Instantt, he carryed Armes ammunition
& provission for carrying on ye
design, Monday Morn
ing 16th
Instantt he sentt his man to Captt
Walton Captt
of there Majtys
fourtt Wm
& Mary; att five in ye
on a way of Challenge, ytt
he would ware the flag
& bid him tell his man soe, I know noe man ye
has butt ye
I then issued outt a warantt
for Captt
Long to
come & show me his comission to my selfe for ware
ing ye
Kings flag, & should be satisfyed, butt he refused
saying I mightt come to him aboard his Ship, wch
was not in my place, considering my Station he refuseing
to come, I sentt a warrantt to bring him before me
to answer for contemptt, wch
he refused, so ye
& returne thereon every one both inhabitants & strangers
endeavor to trample on ye
, am forced to assert
the Kings power the more.
I have done more for Captt
Long then for many strangers
Assisted him in his affaires did nott suffer his man to watch
& [Gard] though all other of their Majtys
subjects did there
duty, & in a straite to [remitt] him 200£ for 6 months gratis
So much for strangers pay
his greatt dependance is on Mr [illegible] butt
judges a Governmtt
must nott be run down for pri
vate interestt, the presidentt told me ytt
[illegible] Captt
Longs carpenters comitt any crime, the Authority
dare nott call them to accott
; because Captt
Long runs
him down; if any complaintt be made agtt
desire I may have the charge [illegible] over ytt
I might
vindicatt my selfe if asserting ye
Kings prorogative
be a crime; I have done
butt ye
King Graunts a Comission, nott onely ye
butt alsoe to Erect Courts of Admiralty & to
Exercise, all powers belonging to ye
place & office
of vice Admirall & of all the seas & coastes belonging
to ye
; judge every person in ye
to yield obedience, when sentt for butt nott preme
ditatly; refuse, by forse of Armes, & ytt
men from
which are Listed Souldiers in ye
Kings fourtt, to joine in
such irregular proceedings I am in ye
Nota The firstt warrantt is onely to require him to show me
his Comission for wareing of ye
flag; ye
ship being
here built, & moved fastt to ye
Shoare judge the civill
might require as much wth
outt comissio from admir
whatts done nott outt of any ill will to Captt
Long or his ownr
butt as sure as I did rise outt of my bead was enformed
the people did Generally talk now we shall [See] whether Mr
Usher or Captt
Long be Governr
: & understanding ye
were redy to overthrow the Governmtt
, was resolved to assert
the Kings prorogative did therefore ordr
severall men
to bring sd
Long before me, butt he resisted them soe was
forced to sett a Guard aboutt the vessell, designing to starve
him, soe ytt
att Last he mightt be compelled to yeild obe
dience, butt in ye
Nightt the Guards did suffer him to Escape
outt of ye
Ship, & he wentt to province Main side
justt now have accott ytt
att break of ye
day ye
Stor Rivr
was be sett wth
the Indian enemy upon wch
Issued imme
diately warrants out for 1/3 of ye
Malitia to march to theire reliefe & to
persue & Kill ye
Eleven att Nightt have Accott ye
Enemy hath killed
& taken aboutt 80 men women & children of wch
men they have burntt 15 Houses killed many catle
& are fled; could wish for a Genll
over the
whole country if nott fear ye
King may loose itt
shall nott ad butt wth
all sincerity am
Yor Honors obliged Servtt
Jno Usher