New Castle 7th Augt 1694
Honrd Sr
I here inclose a Lettr
to ye
Lords of plantations giveing
of ye
State of this province to wch
refer you shall
say ye
greatestt purgatory, I wish to any, is to be Governor
of this province, & apointed by ye King, itts said opression
makes a wise Man mad, to be opressed as I have ben
an uneasy Govermtt
, to spending own Estate & receive
nott one peny is a burden I can noe longer bare
This day I have gotten ye
Kings fourtt finished ytt
I fear
nott securing & defending itt agtt
one Thousand Enemys:
you will se by Sr
W: P: Lettr
he possitivly denys to
send reliefe; doe judge he had as much power yea
rather more to impress men for reliefe of this
province, than to press Men to goe privatereing in
Gilbertts Ship, ye
failed soe large to enter upon, soe
shall leave itt to yor
consideration if in any thing
may be serviceable to you, att all times yor
shall redily be embraced by
Yor Honrs obliged & humble Servtt
Jno Usher
ye Mastt ships nott yett arrived