In Obedience to his Majties
Commands of ye
26 of March
1694 Forthwith to proceed to the Finall Examination of
the Accompt
of John Usher Esqr
, Late Treasurer of New England
and to cause satisfaction to be made out of the publick stock
for what appears justly due to him, upon Ballance of his
Accompts, pursuant to the directions of his
order in
Councill of ye
of October 1691, or otherwise to return
an Accompt of the proceedings thereon, together wth
Reasons for not complying with his Majtys
It is Humbly Offered
That upon Examination of the Accompts of the sd
Usher Esqr
Late Treasurer. We observe That the sd
are charged wth
severall Considerable sums of mony as paid
for Salarys, for which there appears no ordr
of Councill
sufficentt to Justify sd
Accompts Payment Vizt
To Sr
Edmund Andross at severall payments for salary
- amounting in the whole to four thousand two hundred
Eighty Six pounds nine shillings & four pence
Only Eight Hundred pounds partt of the sd
sum applied to
Salary is Exprest in two Receipts of four hundered pounds
each, given by Philip Wells
Edmund Andross's order to be for subsistance for Revenue
raised forces to the Eastward and is allowed of in the
Treasurers Accompt
To the Surveyor & Auditor Generall the sum of six hundered
Eighty three pounds eleven Shillings and Six pence
To John Usher as Treasurer the sum seven hundered thirty
six pounds two shillings and three pence
For wch
Service it has formerly been declared by this Board
and soe entered that they were of opinion, that three
hundered & fifty pounds is a sufficientt recompence, (the
Accompt being debitted for all charges & loss upon grain
and is more than has been allowed to any former treasurer
within this province
To the Article of Forty five pounds, three shillings & four
pence paid to Mr
Westt &c & for Oates
Itt was upon Sr Edmund Andross order only
It is allso observed that thô in the sd
Accompts in the time
of Sr
Edmund Andross's Govermtt
, Creditt is given for his
third partt of the forfeitures received, for
breaches of the Acts of trade & Navigation
All which is humbly offered by ye
of his Majtys
Councill of the province of the
Massachusets bay in New England, to be laid before
his Majty
as their reasons for not complying with
his Majtys
order for payment of the Ballance demanded
Jsa Addington Sercry
Examd [per] Jsa Addington Sercry
At the Councill Chamber
in Boston July 24th
In Sr
Edmund Andross's Comission you shall not permitt
any publick mony whatsoever, to be issued or disposed of
otherwise then by yor
order or warrant undr
your hand
Minnuitt of Council
Ordered the Treasurer doe satisfy his Excy
for his Sallary
out of his Majtys
Revenue till Xt
mas last past
This is to certify that Mr
John Usher, Treasurer of New England
was directed by me some time after my arriveal there to take
notice of the patentt to Wm
Blathwaitt Esqr
Surveyor & Auditor
Generall, of his Majtys
Revenue of America, & that fee or
allowance of five [per cent] should be paid to him for himselfe
and Deputys, upon the Accott of his Majtys
Revenue in New
England London 10th
May 1690
E. Andross
[Abstractt] of Sr
Edmund Andross's Lettr
26 Jan: 1688/9
Westt the [illegible] here of who have been att great trouble
& hardship & no profitt but charges or damages, desire if
occasion you would Lett him have on the Countrys accott
for his presentt occation thirty pounds