Boston 27th July 1695
Honrd Sr
in mine 18th
Instantt gave yor
from time to time was demanded
an answer to ye
Kings Lettr
dated 26th
March 1694. could obtain none, Capt
Gilbert Comandr
Ship Swan bound for England was detained severll
for ye
answer & ytt
day she sailed there was a Boate provided to putt
aboard ye
answer of wch
inclosed is a Coppy; wth
a design ytt
I mightt
nott have a sight thereof to make reply thereto butt ye
proveing faire unexpectedly the Ship wentt to Sea, soe ytt
have an oportunity to give an answer to sd
As to payment of Sr
Ed Andross Sallary
you have Sr
E Andross receipts lefft in Mr
poveys hands when I
leftt England, you have Copy of Minuitt of Councill to pay Sr
E Andross
Sallary herewith sentt, As for ye 800£ in receipts of Mr
being for Subsistance of forces to ye
Eastward, when Sr
E Andross
was to ye
Eastward itt was paid: Sr
E Andross afterwards Aplied itt
to his Sallary; now whether Sr
E Andross did give Creditt either
for Sallary or subsistance & soe noe wrong as long as ye
hath Creidtt
As to yor
you have here a copy under Sr
E Andross hand of his ordering
to pay five [per cent]
As to my Sallary
The Councill formerly being of Opinion 300£ was sufficientt considering
E Andross gives me ye
Sallary as former Treasurers & herewith
inclose a Copy of Mr
Newells Accott
As Treasurer being my
predecessor wherein he charges 5 [per cent] for receiving & paying
soe ytt
assertion is nott true, as to ytt
of any former Treasurer re
ceiving; & nott onely before me was 5 [per cent] charged butt after
me 250 £ is allowed Mr
Tailor wch
is much as I charge ye
though my exspence & charge on ye
Councill was 20 times
more than any of my predecessors or successors hitherto.
Article of Mony pd
Westt & Oates for Sr
E Andross
you have herewith a Copy of Sr
E Andross Lettr
for ye
& ye
Mony was pd
persuantt to sd
That haveing given Creditt for 1/3 forfeitures recd
for breaches
of Acts of Navigation in Sr
E Andross
time & none in ye
The presidentt received ye
forfeitures & as informed did pay
the same to Captt
George Comandr
Ship Rose & ytt
by ordr
the Admiralty in England
Considering the Mony pd
E Andross: yor
& Mr
Westt; I have
from Sr
E Andross for ye
Same; why they humbly offer
as being noe sufficient ordr
to me as Treasurer I can
se noe reason for.
Itts ye
Opinion of Some ye
King can nott Apointt a Governor
other officer a Sallary; butt ye
Allowance is in ye
Councill &
the Councill being of opinion yor
nor Sr
E Andross ough[t]
to have any Sallary therefore Objectt agtt
those Articles
butt the Mony being pd
by me outt of the Treasury by ordr
der Sr
E Andross hand, & I haveing receipts for ye
doe judge noe sufficient reason for detaining ye
of the Mony
As to ye
Article of Mony pd
Westt he was to ye
E Andross;
& spending his time there Sr
E Andross
did give ordrs
to pay ye
Mony; & he gave his receiptts;
As to my Sallary I charge noe more than Mr
Newell my
predecessor; & Mr
Tailor hath 250 £ Allowed him pr Annum
barely as Treasurr
; Now Sr
E Andross Govermtt
being 3 years att
~ 50£ pr Annum comes to [150£]; & considering time in a manor
wholy being taken up in Councill & for ye
Treasury doe judge
moste reasonable to be Allowed whatt I charge.
I herewith send you copys of ye
[illegible] ordr
as you may see by
enclosed likewise a Minuitt of ye
State of Treasury before
revolution. & my willingness to serve ye
King as far as my
Estate & Creditt will goe; & now I have ben ill pd
for ye
haveing given this Accott
of mattrs
hope yor
honor will soe
far consider me, as to obtain a finall & positive ordr
for ye
of 851:2:10 wch
with Seven years Interestt att 6 [per cent]
pr Annum will in all amount unto 1200£:2:10 for I have
ben a greatt Sufferer in being keptt outt of my Mony.
besides 500£ I was att expense in England in my goeing to
render an accott to ye
King of my betrustmtt
; & Doubtt nott butt
att the long run his Majty
will graciously be pleased to ordr
the paymtt
of thatt wch
is soe Justly due. Were we undr
all Sallarys would be complyd wth
; & ytt
out any
hesitation butt Sallarys for any Comissionated or apointed by
the King will nott be Swallowed, Crave exscuse for my prolix
ity. I take leave & Subscribe my Selfe to be
Yor Honors Obliged & humble Servtt
Jno Usher