New Castle 12 Novembr 1695
May Pleas Yor Honr
In mine to their Lordships must crave leave to Refer you to, by reason of
my time being shorte, the Vessels haveing to be gon, I have formerly gave
a hint what the people are, even the Scum & quintesence of disafection to
Kingly Government:
In my Speech to the Asembly I demanded raiseing of money for security
of the Place & suporte of the Governmt
: the Representatives refused to give
advice in Both Houses, the Assembly withdraweing, & after some time seting
by themselves Returnd
their answer in writeing vizt
To lay before his Majesty the poverty of the place, & that the King in his
Princely wisdome, would take such care as in his wisdome shall see most
I sent for the House & demanded their advice, what way I might pro
pose to lay before the King, Expecting the same from ym
they answered
cannot advize to any Way
I afterwards proposed away of 3 [per cent] on Boards & Slaves Exported to the
Plantacôns, and an Additionall duty on Impost as in Boston Govermt
, which this last year would have made 1200£ but they Rejected the same
they did send a Bill of a small duty upon Lumber, not worth accepting
and the same closed wth
a Proviso, [viz] wee grant provided the Left
and Councile would write to the King to be anexed to Boston, the Majr
of the Councile were not for being annexed to Boston, as they are a distinct
butt however you may see it they can have their wills, they
will raise mony, if not they will raise none so their Loyalty to the
King may be seen.
I demanded of the Councile seing Boston will not send men, whether
I should write to the King for men, they were against itt, declaring if
men be sent from the King itt may be of ill Consequence, and rather doe
all themselves than send to the King, soe it appears they are not poore
if they were surely would desire the King to send men The Assembly de
claring it absolut necessity to have 40 men for the frontire Garrisons.
accordingly have taken care to post the sd
Number, and now they must
finde men & pay all, untill the King will send some wch
in time I believe
they will be brought to make aplication for, in Mr
Stoughtons Letter
in answer to men, that their Govermt
is poore & weak, but the Province
Rich and men enough.
I proposed mony to be raised for passing of the Laws, & for Auditr
, they
Refuse to doe itt, seeing they will not Raise money For passing the Laws
hope all the Laws will be Rejected, salveing the Laws for Courts and the
Militia Laws, wch
Laws due Imediatly concerne the King.
haveing Proposed to lay 3 [per cent] on Boards & Slaves for suport of the Govermt
which will make 400£ a year & it being left to the Kings princely wisdom
hope the King will Lay it, & the Govermt
being then taken care of
let the place if the King will not send men, even defend themselves
if they can:
I am of opinion it will be ye
best for the Cuntry to have a Generll
& all the Govermtt
Joyned into one Govermtt
Judgeing it
would be for his Majes
service to Reduce this People into a Com
plyance wth
his Majes
Pleasure, then to have a little hand full of
people dally play & putt Afront on the Kings Commision
I have made Marks on severall Minuitts of Councile wch
I desire
may be perused & Considered.
I have not had one line from any att Whitehall this year come to
my hands
beg you would favour me in my accotts
to gett an order for my
mony, and hope if the Countreys Ship doth safely arrive, the
King will order the payment out of Whatts to be payd for the
Lumber in England, Considering I have been above Seven
Years out of the mony, the Interest of wch
will pay for exch:
of mony; if the mony be not payd in England, but in N England
the Massachusetts will Shuffell& Refuse to pay under pressure
other Governments were then Joyned wth
them & they ought to
pay their parts, to wch
Should Reply the mony I advanced for
Security and Defence of Massachusetts Government. Likewise
they seized the Kings Governr
& overthrow the Kings Govermt
: Itts the Judgement of some the King cannot apoint the Governr
nor yor
Sallary, but the Councile; soe the Councile greater power
then the King from whom they devise their power
I herewth
send an Answer to the Exceptions against my accott
they declaring their Exceptions to be the Reason nonpayment
of the demands, doe hope the King will over Rule the same
Hope for the time past spent in the Kings Govermt
the King will
order 500£ sterll & for the time to come lay the dutys on Boards
and slaves (if the King doth not send me a quietus) for the suporte
of the Govermt
Hope yor
will pardon the Trouble of these lines & beging
the favour of a line from you, & if the King doth send a Governr
believe Convenient for the Governr
by way of Barbados to write
to the Govermt
& some one Particular Person to make Provision
for his Reception; shall hope if a Governr
comes I may by you
be recommended to him the wch
may be a favour, haveing lost
all my former friends by being faithfull to the Kings Interest
wishing I may be capable to serve you in these Parts wch
all Faithfullness shall be done if you pleas to Lay your
Comands upon
Yor Honrs Humble Servant,
John Usher
New Hampshire
12 Nov: 1695
From M Usher
30 Dec: 95
For His Majests
To the Rt
William Blathwaite Esqr
of His Majests
Att his Majests
Office at Whitehall
He proposed to ye
Assembly rasing
They desire ye
poverty of ye
may be layd
before ye
A duty upon Board refused by ye
Assembly and add a [Impost] [illegible]