Boston 20th Decebr 1695
May pleas yor Honor
haveing an Accott Mr
Partridge late Treasurer
in province of
New Hampshire is gon for England doe humbly refer my selfe
to mine [to] Lords Plantations & yor
selfe 1stt Janry
1694 As to the
they were then sent wth
the Exceptions made in Councill
did likewise send copy of his Mittimus & now is sentt
his Accotts
the Exceptions & Copy of his Mittimus I doe Supose
his secrett goeing or as I may say his runing away is by
Advice of Cooke & Hutchison att Boston Vaughn Walderen &
Moody at Piscatagna. he is a person wch
hath gott 3000£ by
King in the [Mastt] Trade &c Since my arrivall in ye
itts said he is gon to make up his Accotts
as late Treasurer
butt judge itts
for some other ends of Vaughn & Walderen &c.
if he appears to presentt his Accotts am of ye
opinion [he] oughtt nott
to be allowed untill he clears himselfe of the charges herewith
sentt he is very well feathered
if he produces Accotts
allowed by ye
Assembly &c wch
he hath said is his
discharge & cared for noe more in Answer I never committed
the Accotts
to ye
Assembly for theire Allowance likewise Exceptions
made in Councill was after ye
pretended allowas mustt say one
may better steale a House then another looke on
I am humbly of Opinion sd
partridge is nott onely to presentt Accotts
& pay ye
[illegible]ttas, butt he ought to answer & suffer for his contemptt
in not obeying of Warrants for paymtt
of mony according to the
rules & methods prescribed by the Kings Instructions likewise
charging ye
Kings Accott
for worke wch
never was done & embezelling
the Kings Mony & converting ye
Same to his own use
he has many knavish & [Shufelling] tricks noe trust to be given him
if he gives Security in England to Answer for his Accotts
if care
be nott taken will offer suretys worth nothing & leave them
As to his recognizance here I shall doe ytt
which by good advice may
be for his Majtys
Service he haveing in his recognizance ac
knowledged himselfe in Debted to the King 1000£
I have lately perused his Accotts As for errors often
by his firstt Accompt
Articles charged by ordr
doe judge Mr
Hincks as presidentt
could ordr
nothing butt by [&] wth
the Councill I demanded the
for wch
Hincks gave ordrs
butt could never se ye
of particulars likewise when I had ye
firstt view of ye
Hincks had nott then signed ordr
for ye
moste whatt jugling
betwene them Two afterwards I know nott he charges for commisio
& Mounting the greatt gunns £51:11- wch
is £18:14:- above 5 [per cent]
commission wch
oughtt nott to be wch
you se in the accott
they had noe power of allowances or disallowances, whatt he
charges by ordrs
from my selfe you may se by minnitts of
Councill all by Advice & consentt of ye
Councill you will se in
bottom of sd
Accott 90[illegible] was designd for Mr
Hincks & himselfe &c
but finding his Accotts
narrowly scrutined into Scraches ye
[outt] as se the bottom of sd
As to the 2d Accomptt
There is 36[illegible] charged for [flamps] & noe worke done
five pounds pd
penny noe ordrs
from myselfe or Mr
Eight pounds seven [shills] pd Jose sd
partridge & Jose
came to me in a contemptous manr
att Wests House demanded Allow
ance of the same answered could nott butt by ordr
Councill nott wth
standing which he charges the Kings Accotts
the same
he charges £29:5:11 for Mony pd
severall Souldiors of Hampton
for wch
noe ordr
he had a warrantt to pay Captt
Dow of Hampton
mony for Souldiors Dow demands the Mony he refuses to pay
Dow acquaints him he mustt have the Mony by virtue of ye
warrantt he replys he will pay the Souldiors & nott him [theys]
the warrantt trampleld on
Walton Comandr
of his Majtys
fourtt had a warrantt for £80:16:6s
demands the whole Mony according to warrantt he pays £28:7:-
to Walton, pays partt of ye
Mony to Souldiors undr
comand of sd
contrary to Waltons ordr
butt judgeing he would be called to Accott
for nott paying Walton the full summ he pays Walton £19:4:8 in full
& gives Walton a bond for ye
Mony pd
to the Souldiors thatt he mightt
have a discharge for ye
whole if this be rightt I know nott whatt
is wrong, butt doubtt nott butt ytt
may be propr
will be done for
preventing such contemptous carriage for ye
As to Boston Govermtt they satt 5 weaks pastt a bill for 2000£ the Coun
cill & Assembly nott graunting the same to the King ye
att presentt hath laide itt aside Reasons given why nott graunted
to the King, because nott to be Accountable in England & the presentt
Treasurer declaring he will lay down his place if Accountable to ye
King, thus have hinted att matters, crave Exscuse & remain
Yor Honors obliged & humble Servtt
Jno Usher