Boston 18th Decebr 1697
Rightt Honbl
Hope yor
hath recd
mine wherein gave Accott
receiptt of yor
Janu 1696/7 wth
the bill of Exo
for one
hundered & Ten pounds which was accepted & paid
have now onely to acquaintt you thatt receiving ordrs
White Hall in Obedience thereto did forthwith goe to his Majtys
province New Hampshire & putt them in Execution as you
more att large may Se by the Accott
of my proceedings Sentt
to theire Lordships.
humbly offer to yor
consideration my thoughts as to late disordrs
partridge could nott enter Legally on the Govermtt
takeing the Oath as the Actt directs soe as to be quallifyed, wch
if not he mustt pay one thousand pounds
Againe judge itt a high misdemeanor thatt when there Lordships
Letter was published Att Hampton & New Castle thatt in the
Intervall till Mr
partridge doth quallify himselfe or &c All
persons should yeild obedience to me persuantt to my Commisio
thatt sd
partridge should disobey sd
& enter upon & seize
the Govermtt
before he quallifyed himselfe
Again for sd
partridge knowing & wilfully in Combination wth
others to have Bonds given him by Hincks Vaughn
Walderen Elliott & Coffin to pay the One Thousand pounds penal
ty & boldly break the Actt judge same a high crime of Contempt
Again had partridge ben qualifyed for him to take Hincks
Vaughn & Walderen whoe were suspended persons to be of
his Councill without being restored by the King under the
Signett or Sign Manuall judge the Same to be a greatt crime
& breach of my Comission & an enchroachemtt on ye
Nota judge the reason why partridge would nott Seek to quallify
himselfe & aboutt one year would nott enter on ye
cause sd
partridge had vessells this lastt sumr one from Bilboa
gran &c: & another from N Foundland wch
prohibited Comoditys
& a reason why he soe Sudenly entered on ye
because the
vessells & goods were in the province & feared they would be
ceized, the wch
I should certainly have endeavored I mustt
crave leave to refer yor
to the enclosed hopeing may
spedily receive further ordrs
from White Hall till wch
Yor Honors humble Servtt
John Usher
verteWm Partridge | £4000 | |
Robertt Elliott | £5000 | |
Peter Coffin | £4000 | |
Rich Walderen | £3000 | |
Wm Vaughn | £2000 | |
Jno Hincks | £1500 | |
Jno Green | £ 500 | |
Rich Jose | £ 500 | |
John pickerin | £ 500 | |
£20000 |
Charges agtt partridge vizt
contrary to ordrs
from White Hall dated 3d
entered on the Govermtt
vi ett armis ceized the Kings fourtts Admitts of thre persons to be
of his Councill wch
were Suspended & nott
restored by the King. nott being quallifyed to enter on the Govermtt getts bonds from Hincks
Vaughn Walderen Elliott & Coffin to pay the one Thousand pounds
penalty for breach of the Actt parlimtt
: the Mony partridge doth
exspectt mustt pay; judge the contemptt putt upon the ordrs
White Hall, a greatt crime for wch
in particular he ought to Answer
Nott onely joined wth
Hincks Vaughn &c in there rebellion butt a pro
moton of the same & when my warrantt was read for his apearance
in Councill did take ye
same & tare itt, saying whatt do you talk
of White Hall we fear nott to se itt in a derideing maner.
joined wth
Hincks att ye
firstt rebellion on the 13th
1697 was in
obedience to warrantt att Hampton & New Castle att publishing
the ordrs
from White Hall satt in Councill thatt day & att Night
Hincks (before partridge entered on the Govermtt
) sign a
warrantt for the Malicia of New Castle to be in Armes judge to
ceize my person
the greatt Stickler agtt
the Kings prerogative, a Man of parts carys
all before him, the projecter & Scrivenr
for all there Actions & pro
cedings very furious agtt
all Loyall persons, the Mouth at all times
of the Councill, When Captt
Walton Apeared before Mr
partridge & his
Councill to answer for takeing possession of the Kings fourtt, Walderen
did tell him they were Sencible he was fitt for the place of being
of the Kings fourtt, butt they did nott judge him fitt for any
other; thatt is to be one of the Councill or justice of peace; Walton did
tell him he did take possession of the Fourtt by virtue of a Comission
from John Usher Esqr
Governor whome he owned to be the pre
sentt Lt
nor Legally & ytt
Hincks &c ceizing of the Gover
was att White Hall judged rebellion & he judged Mr
Actt to be noe less Walderen did tell him whether there Actt was
rightt or wrong was nothing to him & if a miss they mustt
answer for itt; & seing they had begun they would goe on.
As Treasurer Taxed the Kings Subjects recd
the Mony to the vallew
of Twelve hundered pounds wth
outt Legall Authority & the people
complaine the Mony is divided betwene Hincks &c
Hincks vi ett armis ceized the Govermtt
raised the Malicia to ceize
my person, called an Assembly raised Mony; on the 13th
haveing read the ordrs
from White Hall Dated 3d
as to my
continueing in the Govermtt
(referrance to sd
being had) att
New Castle; I satt in Councill in the evening; in the Nightt Hincks
issued outt his ordrs
for the Councill to mete & a warrantt signd
by him selfe & Mr
Coffin for the Malicia to be in Armes judged to
ceize my person for obeying & putting in Execution the ordrs
from White Hall directed to myselfe, I by virtue of the ordrs
demanded the Comission Instructions & Seale of the province
butt he refused the Same to deliver
have onely to say he joined wth
the firstt &
lastt rebellion & still goes on wth
refuses to actt in Councill untill further orders
Jose & Pickerin
persons wth
outt warrantt from Authority ceized Mens persons
& Estates embezelling the Same the one Sheriff the other
of the Mob whoe headed & carryed on the rebellion
I am enformed a vessell privately dispatched by partridge &c
for England wth
a pacquett for the govermtt
to be continued as itt
is if nott to gett the one Thousand pounds remitted & a
pardon for there mistakes upon misinformations Shall
onely say they have Acted wth
a speritt of disloyalty to the
Kings Comission judgeing they may doe whatt they pleas & nott
be called to accountt if whatt they have done be rightt itts
well, if nott itt deserve the Severestt check as the crime
demeritts Am enformed one Knights is gon wth
charges of
severll falcehoods agtt
me, if he
apears Should be glad he may be ordered to attend att White Hall untell the charge
be sentt me & my Answer returned wch
will be punish
mentt enough for him