20 June 1698
From Mr
Boston June 20th 1698
May Please Yor Exy
Receiving an ordr
from White Hall
dated 30th
Novembr lastt, directed to my selfe as Lt
articles of peace, upon receiptt forwarded the same to Capt
Fryer being not safe, (in a publick station) for me to goe in pr
son have formerly gave Accott
, of Disobedience to orders from
White Hall, to which humbly refer
I sent a Letter to Earle Bellamont wth
of ye
disorders, &
sent him the duplicates, of what was (from White Hall) directed
to me as Lt
, that he might have a true Information of
the Govermtt
, what will be the issue I know not, but Partridge and
they in the Govermtt
(still goe on) give out their Actions are command
ed and countenanced by Earle Bellamont, which I give Little
Credit too, great Endeavors are made to palliate the matter; and
Judged Trampling on the Kings prerogative noe great Crime,
& make the King only a King of [Clouts], its said their Actions
att White Hall will not be regarded, but hope the Contrary
that Such Contempts on orders will not be over looked, but the
Sparks will some of them be ordered to White Hall, I am weary
of this subject of Complaint, but if att lastt, the Province be
brought into subjection to the Kings Prerogative shall be glad
am sattisfyed will be conduceing to his Majtys
service, in other
parts I subscribe
Yor Excy moste Dutyfull
& Humble ServanttJohn Usher