[1698 Sept]
May pleas yor Excy
in mine 19th
Sept: From New Yorke gave Accott
of affaires as then
represented, haveing travelled through all the Govermtts
as far as
pensilvania, an Accott
of my observations doe here inclose; hopeing
you will Exscuse the trouble thereof
haveing touched on the Govermtts
; onely give a hintt as to mattrs
relateing to the Treasury
Thatt of Boston Govermtt
am enformed the Treasurer pays greatt
Sums of Mony att Once Soe onely kepes an Accott
Currant the
Mony pd
unto one Major Jno
Walley; sd
Walley disposes of itt as he
doth Se cause Soe ytt
noe particular Accotts
for whatt the Mony is disbursed
for is laide before & Allowed of, by the Councill, wch
is an ingenious
way for the Kings revenue to be imbezeled, in Sr
E Andross
time, all the particulars was laid before him & Councill wth
& theire ordrs
issued outt for payment of monys disbursed for the
, Cooke Russell Hutchison & foster very exactt in Examin
ing my Accotts
as to particulars though allowed by Governor &
Councill as to ye
Exceptions made, onely to yor
, Sr
E Andross
& my Sallary.
Am informed an Auditt has bin upon Walleys Accott
, & sd
Walley hath
neither vouchers nor receipts for paying moste partt of ye
Mony, as to Walley when I wentt for England, none would trustt him
for 20£: & now he can lend the Country 2 or 3000£; ytt
is to say the
Countrys Mony wch
he calls his own. wish my Ld
may have ordrs
to inspect the Accotts
of Major Jno
Phillips, Mr
Tailor Treasurers
& Major Walley ytt
the Mony raised in time of revolution
& to this day An Accott
may be Sentt to England; itts judges Phillips
Owes the Country aboutt 900£; Walley aboutt 2000£ as he was treasurer
to Plimoth Collony, & sence if yor
Excy doe finde an ordr
to be sent
as to Examining the Accotts
Shall recomend Captt
Byfoild Captt
Andr Belcher, Captt
Sprauge Captt
& Captt
francis foxcraftt, Captt
Lawrence Hamon; or
any three & rather then ye
villany in Embezling the Kings
mony should nott be discoverd, Shall redily putt my helping
hand; ytt
Naked truth may apear the difference betweene true
Kingly Loyall Govermtt
; & Comon Wealth, wch
Boston is in factt though
[de nomina] otherwise.
mustt say the imbezeling of the Kings Mony raised of his Subjects
is very greatt, had ye
same ben in Sr
E Andross time [illegible] noe
less then hanging him, ceizeing his Estate & all to little I am a
mazed & a Shamed to Se ye
inequallity & injustices; & I
thinck ye
ing att White Hall for ye
mony wch
hath ben
raised will be of greatt Service to ye
Crown: & place: ye
Crown to se how one ytt
robs Shall be favord more than a looker
on, in a word will discover a greatt deale of villany; if those
be nott strictly inquired into att White Hall, judge my selfe
then in the wrong box, to make up my Accotts
there, butt if they
be obliged to make up there Accotts
, wth
the particulars for whatt
Shall then thinck justice done, otherwise thinck a wrong done
me: one Weaver when in New England I heard him say in Compa
that it was unresionable the Accotts
for Mony raised Should be
Sentt home to England for allowance, & ye
fee of An Auditor
unreasionable, the Governor Councill & Assembly raises the Mony
may dispose of itt as they pleas, & may allow & discharge the
Treasurer of his Accotts
as they pleas, being noe ways obliged to accott
for the Same in England, & this is the minde of N: England presentt
, for in truth att presentt itts Comon Wealth & nott Kingly Gover
, the Councill doe whatt they pleas, ye
Governor for peace,
& [Salvoe] of his Name wth
the people letts them doe whatt they
pleas, & by itt partts wth
the Kings prerogative & will be hard
for his Successor to retrieve; though theres a Saying give Men
Rope enough they will hang themselves. I crave pardon for
my prolixity & trouble on those subjectts wish hapiness may
allways attend you remain
Obedientt & huble
Jno Usher