Said Vaughan in Execution Thereof -
At a Council held 9th
President and Council
Part of a Letter Sent to Lieft
We have further to Lett yor
know that his Majty
hath been pleased by Commission under the great Seal
to Nominate and appoint William Partridge Esqr
to be
our Lft
Governor and therein to Null and make void
the Power and Authority of John Usher Esqr
late Lft
. Our Governor
Allen also wrote and ordered Mr
to deliver Mr
Hincks sd
Allens Comission and Instructions
and desired said Hincks with the Councill to take upon
them the Govermt
accordingly till Mr
Partridge Should
arrive and publish his Commission Mr
Usher not being
now on the place the Comission and instruction then in
the hands of Mr
fryer delivered to Mr
Hincks as
but not withstanding Mr
Usher is
pleased to exert his weak endeavours to give us some
disturbance to that end appeared at Hampton the last
Sabbath day and we heare in the fore noon before
Sermon made a large Coment on the Copie of his
Commission he also gave out orders to sundry officers
civil and military to meet him at Hampton the
next morning and the two fort companies of the
Town to be in armes but miserably failing of his
expectation he drew off and left the Province on
Monday in the afternoon
Att a Councill held at Portsmouth
December 1697
Present Lieft
and Councill
Thos Packer and Mr
John Smith of Hampton appeared
before this board according to their Sumons to answer for
what should be objected against them on his Majties
and after some Apprehension for their miscarriage in
graunting Warrants to raise men by vertue of a Warrant
from Mr
Usher the Lieft
and Councill having given
them admonition how to demeane themselves for the future
and to acknowledge the present Govermt
were dismiss'd
At a Councill held this day
at Portsmouth being 14th
Present Lft
Partridge Esqr
& Councill
This day was Published both at Portsmouth and New Castle
the King's Comission under the great Seal of England
bearing date the 26th
day of June in the 8th
year of his
Reign whereby the Honble
William Partridge Esqr
appointed & Impowered Lft
of this Province and the
Partridge haveing taken the Oaths appointed by law and
subscribed the Test and Association took upon him the
exercise of the Govermt
according to sd
December 14th 1697
Ordered a Summons be sent to William Ardell to make
his personal appearance before this board.
He appearing accordingly and was charged for breaking
open the King's stores at New Castle and being demanded
by what Power he did it he produced the order as in under
is a Copie sd
Ardell was Comitted to the custody of Lft
Snell to deliver up sd
Ardell to the Sheriffe or Deputy to
have him before the Lft
and Councill tomorrow
morning ten of the clock
Province New Hampshire
New Castle 13th
December 1697
You are in his Majties
Name required to break open the
doores where the King's stores are and seize the stores and
deliver the same to Capt
Shadrach Walton Captain of
his Majties
ffort Wm
and Mary for which this shall be yor
given under my hand and seal at armes
John Usher Esqr
and Commander in Chief
At a Councill at Portsmouth 15th
December 1697
Ardell appearing according to his sumons and presenting
his humble petition as on file
Ordered That he give to the Sheriff or his Deputy for the use [of]
his Majtie
one hundred pounds with two s[[illegible]] vizt
50£ each sure
ty for his appearance next quarter sessions in this Province and in
the mean while to be of good behaviour towards his Majty
and his
[Liege] people & not to depart hence without license and to pay
charges and fees and to stand committed untill he conform
hereto in giveing his Security
At a Council held at Portsmouth 28th
Xber 1697
Present Left
and Councill
Thos: Packer and Mr
John Smith of Hampton appeared before
this board according to their sumons to answer for what should be
objected against them on his Majties
behalfe & after some repre
hensions for their miscarriage in granting warrant to raise men
by vertue of a Warrant from Mr
Usher the Lft
Governr & Coun
cill having given them admonition how to demean themselves
for the future & to acknowledge present Govermt
. was dismis'd