Boston Octobr 1699
May pleas yor Excy
As to News in these partts refer you to ye
hereof my Br
Thomas Allen if you will pleas
to condescend to favor him wth
advice on behalfe of his
father, I shall esteem itt a greater kindness then done
to my selfe, Mr
Allen has had hard measure being
delayed, as to triall of his rightt I find there is want
ing a grauntt to Mr
Masons predecessor by King Charles
the 1st a copy thereof outt of the Role being attested
may be of greatt service though Mr
Allen hath mett
wth (by the providence of God) greatt losses yett his
rightt as to his justt due he oughtt to have, & itts great
pitty to have itt delayd
When my Ld
Entered on ye
in province New
Hampshire I gave in writeing my charge agtt
partridge alsoe agtt
Hinck Vaughan & Walderen
rendered to prove my charge, butt ytt
was waved, judge
because of [now] Entering on ye
The Govermtt
has presented my Ld
500£ judgeing the same
will cause all [male] Adminstrations to be oblitereated
hope the contempt putt upon ye
justices Comissioners ordrs
nott be soe lightly pastt by As to ytt
of partridge his
1000£ due to ye
King, & he haveing good Security for
to pay itt (else he would nott enter on ye
) by those of his Councill, hope the same will
in time be demanded crave exscuse for the
trouble of these lines &
Yor Excys Obedientt Servatt
John Usher