Boston 8th Novebr 1699
May pleas yor Excy
here inclosed is Copy of an information given by
Allen Esqr
to his Excy
Earle Bellamontt conserning
a Ship Loade of Timber & planck for the King of portugall
service in building a Ship aboutt Two Thousand Tunns Loaded
by Messers Wm
partridge Jno
Hincks Richd
Walderen & Thomas
Holland itts said they are to Suply greater quantities & in ordr
thereto design to build a Ship of 600 Tunns. Lastt year a Ship
Loade of Timber & planck sentt by Mr
partridge &c to portugal
& ye
same sold for ytt
Kings Service & gained 1500£
for Mr
partridge & Mr
Holland to be imploied in the Kings
Service for makeing discovery whatt Masts & Timber
may be for his use service & then to Ship of such to ye
King of
portugall, a high crime hope for ye
same will be called to
, & Now partridge & Hincks will be made to Answer for
ceizeing his Majtys
vi ett armis & this unjustifiable Actt.
judge my Ld
will ceize the Ship & her Loadeing (being earnast
earnest in the matter) secureing the same untill his
pleasure be known; if condemnable; judge may
be of vallew for his Majtys
service lookeing on ye
of greatt importance elce should nott have given you
the trouble of these lines.
Allen craves ye
favor ytt
if there be any place va
cantt wherein his son Thomas may be imploied aboutt
the Courtt in writeing, you would favor him therein
& the same on his behalfe is humbly desired & shall
thanckfully be acknowledged by
Yor Excys humble Servatt
Jno Usher
[illegible] Blathwaitt