Boston 25th febu 1699 /1700
May pleas yor Exy
formerly giveing Accott
of my Lds
Entering on
the Govermtt
in province New Hampshire, my leaveing of
the same
My Ld
upon Entering on ye
displaced all officers
were [in], upon his comeing here & putt in New officers
made New judges, those wch
are for Comon Wealth Govermtt
then Kingly: & such whoe are Mr
Allens greatestt opposers
as to his rightt, soe he Exspects noe justice done him here
he has bin above a Twelve Month endeavoring for a tryall
cantt obtain itt, doe judge never will if can be avoided,
Hincks &c whome formerly I charged wth
rebellion are
the judges, & am informed design if possible to Starve
Allen & his family; As to Mr
Allens condition you are
nott unacquainted wth.
I am Satisfyed as to Mr
rightt wch
now is Mr
Allens; as far as capable designe to
assist him in recovering his rightt, I doe believe his
case must come to England for justice wch
if doth believe I shall
come wth
if Mr
Allen should send an Adress to ye
King I doe humbly beg
favor in procureing of his requestt & yor
therein shall by me be duely acknowledged
As to News in these partts you will att large have
from my Ld
: greatt talks of ye
five Nations &
all other Indians joining in a combination to cutt
the English of, wch
if they doe will destroy all the outt
plantations, the Indians are makeing presentts
from one Nation to another & yore familys goe
ing from the English, ye
which proceedings al
ways bin acted by them before breaking outt in a war
Shall humbly offer; pemaquid belonging to the King
in case the King did send aboutt 200 highlander
Scotts to setle att pemaquid they would be a
guard & security for all the Eastern Countrye,
we have bin many years in a defensive warr
consumed our estates; & in case they make a warr
& we be nott of ye
offensive as well as defensive
partt, in a few more years ye
mustt quitt the place, & ye
King loose a Countrye
hope some Mehtods in England may be taken
for our security in England, if nott we are
an undone people crave Exscuse for giveing
you the trouble of these lines, I subscribe
Yor Exys moste hmbl Servtt
Jno Usher