London 24th Septt 1702
Honrd Sr
there are severll
vessells arrived from N England gives Accott
that Boston Govermtt
hath given Col Dudley 500£: I finde Col
Dudley hath given greatt dissattisfaction makeing of
changes in ye
: Lt
Governor gains theire favor
dayly; my Accotts
are comitted refered to a Comittee
hope either they will pay ye
mony or render a reason
in Septt the Assembly was to sett.
I have Accott
from Col Allen ytt
he waited on Col Dudley att Boston
whoe acknowledged his rightt & rediness to serve him
butt when he was at piscatagna an alteration & he
finds himselfe still to be barbarously treated & nott
permitted to cutt a stick of ye
waste ground Col Dudley
tells him he hopes by xtmas may be capable to serve him.
Dudley a kind to Bellamontt, instead of Major Vaughan
hath putt in his son for a justice of peace in a word Col
Allen cantt live while the Govermtt
in the hands of
partridge &c Should be glad of a comission for Col Allen
to be Lt
Governor: wth
a change of some of the councilors
Vaughan &c hath putt in there Answer contents I know
nott butt finde they are uneasy; & say that in case
my Ld
Bellamontt was a live they dare nott stir in ye
matter: Blathwaitt & Usher thinck to gett 1000£ butt
they will be deceived & words many more to yt
There are abundance of privateers fitted outt att Boston
Salem Roades Island, judge very proper persons to
be apointed to receive the Queens concern, if I
may recomend persons of justice & Estates should
recomend Captt
Bayfield & Mr
David Jefferys for N
N Hampshire hath presented Col Dudley wth
250£; Ships
for N England design 1stt faire wind to be gon there
is accott
my Ld
Cornberry hath Secured Weaver &c
by whatt I hear, a person ytt
will serve her Majty
in giveing check to those Exorbitantt proceedings wch
of late hath bin & a countenancer to loyallty; crave
Exscuse for the trouble of these lines I subscribe
Yor Honor s Dutifull Servatt
Jno Usher