Boston in New Engld July 13: 1680
Honr d Sr
His Maty
Haveing by his Letters of the 12th
day of February 1678/9
To ye
and Councell of the severall Collonyes Comanded that
Comunication Should be made of his pleasure, That all p[er]sons p[re]tend
ing any right or Title to Such or Governmt
in ye
Narrogansett countrey
Should with all Speed Send over Agents to make their right and Title
appeare, And the proprietr
s and purchasers of ye
Sayle Haveing in obedience
to his Matys
Comand, Instructed (according to ye
Short opportunity given
them) Mr
William Harris Agent Conecticott Collony, To abort their
right, and he being unhappily Carryed to [Argier], they againe finding
it as well their duty as Interest to renew their address and being made
Sensible not onely of yor
great abilityes and opportunityes but alsoe
of yor
just and Generous Disposition to Repr
sent to his Maty
the greivances
of his Subjects, and their petitions for redress, and favour, and Expression of his
Grace and bounty, Instanced in yor
Late Governmt
for New Plymouth
I p[re]sented in behalfe of said proprietr
s (by the Last Ship) to Signify their Intention
by this to Intreat yor
favour and furtherance of their intended petition,
will be p[re]sented by John Lewin or Thomas Doane Esqrs
, and will
by the next Ship be followed with Such Informacóns and evidences
as can in ye
Interim be Collected, Though its hoped his Maty
bye this
tyme is made Sensible how very incapable ye
of Road
Island is to serve his Maty
in any additionall Trust, However That
Plymo: Agents Suddenly Designed to waite upon his Maty
will Demon
strate his Matys
and Interest and ye
peace and prosperity of that
plantacón is in a fairer probability to be [promoted] by any of the many
Supplicated, then by Subjection to Road Island, Sr
since ye
address Imposts nothing But what its humbly pr
sumed his Maty
upon a due rep[re]sentacón wil bee gratiously Inclined to Grant ye
with ye
Confidence [refer] their friends to yor
and good Direcón, which they hope will be soe Successfull as to inable
them to render [illegible] acceptable acknowlegmts
to yor
selfe, and
In ye
great assurance of yor
Goodness it is That I subscribe myselfe
Most Humble & faithfull Servt
Richd Wharton
Randolph Comeing late
Last night to towne [illegible]
this for C[illegible]