Whitehall the 23 May 1681
I heartily thanke you for the favor of two
letters I have received from you by ye hands of Mr
dated the
14 of Nov: & 30 Dec: last
As for the Business of Mr
Harris The
Direct Recommendacons of M
Recommendation of his case to Conecticutt
Colony has been so successfull that I believe
him already redeemed since Mr
some months past did give me to understand
that he had al given all necessary
directions for it: I have nevertheless continued
given order that the first sum
intended for him shall be always ready if he
stand in need of it and at his arrivall
here I will be sure to take care that he
be put into a capacity of may conveniently returning to his
Country after so great sufferings he has undergone
In the mean while nothing The Business
of Conecticutt is in such a forwardness
that I hope has a Comission for inquiry
into the Titles of Property to in Narroganst
Country will be very suddenly expedited
and putt into ye
hand of Mr
Lewin who has sollicted
the dispatch.
The only reason why there has not been
a quicker dispatch being that my Ld
Culpeper by reason of
the sitting of the Parliamt
& other business
could not sooner deliver The papers
that were recomended to him by the
Gentlemen that are concerned in yt
Whitehall 26th May 1681
I received some time past a letter from Majr
Winslow dated the first of Sept. last being in the name of
the Generall Court of New Plymouth I find in it many
expressions of their trust & confidence in me for the
improving & forwarding their affairs here It is a favor
I shall endeavor to deserve & I am sure will never
forfeit. I have since received yr
letter of the 8th
Dec: last & as in both of them it is recommended to
me to procure the best dispatch I can in obtaining
such an Answer to the Colonies Address to His Maty as
may give them the ease & security they desire by ye
renewall of their Patent wth
such Priviledges and
Immunityes as shall be necessary for their
It is indeed with a great griefe that I have lately
understood the death of that worthy Gentleman
Winslow, but I continue no wayes less inttent to
do the Colony service both in obtaining & dispatching
their Patent & in any other thing wherein I may be
usefull to them, but partly the sitting of ye
and other interuptions & partly the succeeding
season of the yeare wch
has [invited] the Court very
early into the Country, have been the causes why
the oppertunity has been wanting for ye
of what I have charged my selfe with in behalfe
of the Colony. But I desire you & all those
Gentlemen to whom I am so much obliged for
their good opinion of me to believe that I will
give them with all possible speed a good acct
of their businesse and
26 May 81
From My Self
To Mr