Boston In N: Engld May 18 1684
I was honr
d with yors
[per] Captn
Ware, and have from him
received the money yw
menconed, Captn
Ware entertanes Mr
Wrights son, who spends most of his tyme at a writeing
Schoole, I hope for opportunity for his passage and Convey
ance of the money in a month to Madra
The last election heer hath made a considerable alteracón
in ye
Magistracy, and will its feared ad much to our acco
Male administracóns, and hasten ye
disolution of this Charter
Corporation, Mr
Cranfields Conduct hath much influenced
all Councell in thes Collonyes, and hurryed ye
almost into desperation, and if great prudence be not used
in bringing about ye
expected resolucón great confusion will
ensue, Pray Sr
pardon this intimacón and as any occasion
heer may require my service be pleased to honr
me with yor
Comands and they shall always be most cheerfully obeyed by
Excellencyes most humble
Rd Wharton