Boston In N: Engld May 27: 1685
I was honr
d with yors
under Direcón to Mr
Stoughton, Mr
Dudley, Buckley,
Shrimpton, and my selfe, but more especially by that of the 12th
of febru
ary under pt
icular duration intimateing his late Majtyes
death, for wch
wee (as all good subjects) were sorrowfully affected, and againe comforted
with the Joyfull news of the happy and peaceable succession of soe gratious
and good a King as his p[re]sent Matye
I was at ye
arrivall of yor
Letters in ye
. countrey, Labouring to oppose
and repress ye
insolencyes and oppressions those poore people
Labour under from Road Island, and soe had not opportunity to assist in ye
duty and service yw
injoyned in p[ro]clayming his Majesty in ye
Collony: But am very apprehensive yor
recommendation was effectuall to
animate those that still hold the Govermt
to an expeditious and duti
full p[er]formance, the accompt of which Mr
Stoughton and Mr
tell me they gave yw
by the last ships, and that the presidt
of the
Province of Maine had instructed his Deputy, with like solemnity to Proclayme
his Maty
there, which was done with great acclamations and Joy.
When I left Narraganset yor
Packet to my selfe being not come to hand,
upon other intellignece of his Matyes
death, I advised Mr
Smith the principle
and p[ro]prietr
s there, to proclayme his pr
sent Matye
and whilst he
was pr
pareing, the inhabitants there being few and scattered, and before I could
furnish him with one of the p[ro]clamations yw
favoured me with, The Governmt
of Road Island (intending a pr
vention) recomended that service to a very
feeble and unfit p[er]son, soe that Mr
Smith haveing assembled ye
people in arms
he with his Chaplayne, and other principle p[er]sons with all possible solemnity
and expressions of Joy, proclaymed his Matye
, and in the most publique place
posted the said proclamation, And as a further testimony of Loyalty the
s & freeholders of that countrey, doe now humbly make their address
to his Matye
And crave yor
favour to my son in pr
senting ye
His Maty
as yet haveing not established any other Governmt
in this Collony,
By a new election this day, the old constitution is continued. Mr
and Mr
Dudley [scantly] chosen, and will not accept. Mr
Buckley and Mr
left out, and Oliver Purchase elected, without any other alteration, when
his Matye
shall please to send comission to discharge ye
sent Magistrates, I hope
there will be a peaceable surrender
Cranfield its said is ready to remove to some other plantation, and will its
supposed depute Mr
Mason in the Governmt
, the inhabitts
of that and ye
countrey earnestly expect some more easy establishmt
My son if in towne will waite upon yw
with this and ye
. address
and leave upon yor
favourable Direction in all affayrs that may be for
his Matyes
Service (and hope he will not pr
sume to sollicit any other)
A gratious Answear from his pr
sent Matye
to ye
Address from ye
Saggamores heer, wch
was lately pr
sented before his late Matyes
might be very effectuall to pr
sent all confederacyes and Comerce between
those Indians and the ffrench: and p[ro]mote ye
fishing trade and settlemt
in these parts Sr
tis a dutifull ambition to serve his Matye
and thankfully
to acknoledge ye
obligations yw
lay upon me that makes me more freqt
and Large in my applications to yor
selfe then would otherwise become
most humble obedt
Rd Wharton