Boston In New England Aprill 8th 1686
The intimations wee have long since recd
of his Matyes
indulgence and gratious care
for the [easy] Govermt
of this people, and ye
continuall expectacón wee have had for neer
six months of Mr
Randolphs arrivall with his Maties
to Mr
Dudley have hitherto
supported many of his Matyes
good Subjects under great injuryes and oppressions, which
now by Long continuance are become almost intollerable. The faction at Road Island
this winter have as well in contempt of his late Matys
Comands, as their owne Govrs
and their premier Magistrates dissent, combined tumultuously to [horne] into the Narra
ganset countrey, all such vagrant and dissolute p[er]sons as will inlist themselves to
invade our propriety, and possess our Lands, And content not themselves with our
Land lyeing unimproved, but instigate our tennts
to withold our rents, and to keep
possession for themselves of our improved estates, p[ro]miseing them p[ro]tection therein
therein and p[re]tending Authority from his Matyes
gratious letter to their Governr
dated the 26: of June last, I herewith humbly offer to yor
p[er]usall an act of their assembly
founded on a peticón contrived by themselves, and Subscribed and p[re]sented by [five]
p[ro]fligate p[er]sons, a copy of wch
my son will with other papers relateing thereto p[re]sent
, I alsoe inclose a former Act of their assembly, declareing [intitles] good to those
Lands they now dispose of, and a Copy of a p[ro]test published onely to pr
vent their
intrusions, and molestations, till his Majestyes comr
shall arive wch
wee hope will
be effectuall to restraine them. The p[ro]prietr
s humbly pray you to p[er]use the papers
enclosed, and to Let his Majesty understand what interpretacón and improvemt
those people make of his gratious expressions of favour to them, or otherwise to
improve them as may be most for his Matys
New Hampshire Languishes under the ill effects of ye
diferent pr
tentions Mr
and the people make to p[ro]priety, its great pity those contraversyes depend so long
being ruinous to all concerned, Mr
Mason its feared will lose his passage by this
ship, being not yet come to towne.
The various reports brought hither, and vulgar Jealousyes that some new
measures may be taken from Mr
Cranfield for Governmt
heer, doe most terrify and
unsettle the people, others hope that Mr
Randolphs long stay hath given opportunity
for a new comission, or for some addition to ye
former, a copy of which is allready heer
wherein there is no mention of an assembly, and without which many things [necessary]
for his Matyes
service and the p[ro]sperity of the place, and especially all levys for sup
port of Governmt
will be difficult to effect, all our rates and publique revenues being
onely temporary. All the p[er]sons appointed to serve in ye
Councell are men of great
integrity and Loyall, but most of them live too far distant to be pr
sent so often and
soone as may be needfull, nor are there enough at hand to make a Quorum on any
Exigent and indeed not halfe ye
number are of fit proportions for ye
[figures] nor qualified
for ye
revolucon requisite, and as I confess myselfe one of the most unworthy and unfit, soe
I shall allwayes cheerfully make roome for any of better ability, and Dutifully
Comport to his Majestyes pleasure in that or any other post may be assigned
me for his Majestyes service.
My last from my son advised my Patent for [Posepscot] was ordered to be made
ready for the seale and hoped by yor
favour it hath long since past ye
and that ye
advice thereof will inable me by the next occasion to make some
acceptable acknowldgmt
of my gratitude to yor
selfe, in the Interim I Crave
Pardon and send improvemt
of those intimacóns, and ye
of yor
in anything wherein I may evidence my selfe
Yor Honrs most obliged and obdt Servt
Rd Wharton