Whitehall the 11 June
Since my last letter to you a Duplicate
whereof is here enclosed The Business
of the King's Province has been taken
in to consideracón but no finall determinacón
has been had yet had it upon it and
that which may give a stop to it at
for some time is that William Harris
of [Patuxet] who had an Agenc brought
Papers concerning the pretention
of Conecticutt Colony and had an Agency
from them is taken taken by
the pirates and carried into that place
from whence by His letters He desires
that nothing may be concluded here
to the prejudice of His Employers till
they have further opportunity to
be heard and to present their evidences
of right to the Narragansett Country
However Sr
I will endeavor take care
that such expedition may be used in
this be half that may bring that
Province to a speedy & finall settlement
And in all things
Colston who has
taken great pains
in the the delivery of
letters has promised and will to return this to you
be able to give you an