Right worshipfull,
having [bethought] my selfe of my deposition given last day before
yon, least I might be prejudged by the generality thereof, in re-
gard of my answere made to yor question, that I [had] taken with
my sword in my hand; I humbly desire that this [is] information of
my [illegible]ye deposition may be admitted at the time of the advising thereof &
to wit, that, as I have deposed already, I was not engaged in the
fight, neither ever drive forward, untill after [this] flight begunne,
in the [which] I being caried away with the rest, and my nagge
not being able to take me off, when I saw sundry [troupers] com-
ming upon me with their drawne swords, then I drew mine,
to keep them off, if I could, untill I had obtaned [illegible]; in
[illegible] I was taken. Their being the truth, I hope,
to [illegible] my cariage in that place the better, yor worshipe will
allow me the faver to let me [illegible] [this] to my former deposition, [illegible]
[illegible], before the [concluding] of my [purpose].
Yor approbation
whereof, I rest
Yor worps very humble
Ro: Spotswoode
St Andrewes-castle
4.th Jary 1646.