Sudbury August ye 24th 1696
Dear Cousin
If this letter comes to your hands I must be oblig'd to Fortune
for ye Conveyance thereof, for I doubt ye Superscription is im-
perfect, which is occasion'd by ye Wax of your letter having obscur'd
part of ye Direction you sent me, so yt I fear half ye Gentleman's
name wth some material word else is omitted: This has been ye
cause of your not hearing from me in so long time; for I expected
yt my Silence might have created in you a suspicion of ye miscar-
riage of yours; but now I've delay'd so long, I'me resolv'd to hazard
this, wherein I shall not say much, seeing ye Carriage is doubtfull:
thoô I'me as desirous as you can be yt we shou'd discover to one
another our circumstances to ye end Personal conversation (as you say)
may be supply'd by Letters.
For ye Encomiums you were pleas'd to complement me withall
I return you many thanks; thoô not yt I've ye vanity to think yt
my Actions are in ye least answerable to 'em, but because I receive
'em as so many instructions, which set out to my view what is com-
mendable in a man, & whereby I learn to what I ought to tend ye
drift of my endeavours to attain, if I wou'd strive to shew my self
no unworthy Member of our Family, or to merit your esteeming
me, what I realy study to be
Most Obedient Servant
& Loving Kinsman
A. Spotswood
My Love & Service to all our
I'me still at my Quarters in
Sudbury in ye County of Suffolk