Sudbury in Suffolk 2 November 1696
Dear Cousin
I'm as well surpriz'd as troubled att your long silence,
which has been ever since your letter (dated June. 4.) yt gave
me an account of your arrival in Scotland: The little conversa-
tion we've had together has prepossest me with an opinion of
your being a more constant & sincere friend yn whom absence or
time can work any alteration upon: then as I can't impute
your silence to unmindfullness, so I hope it may not be an ill
disposition of body which disables you.
I wrote to you some time ago, in doubt whether my letter wou'd
come to your hands or no, because ye direction I've gott from
my Mother.
After our lucky meeting, not to enjoy your profitable company
longer & oftner I must reckon a great misfortune, seeing I have
need, & am withal desirous of a clearer account, yn I att present
have (wch only my Mother's bare relations, as she's heard my Father talk,
gives me) both of our Original Pedegree, with ye chief branches sprung
from ye stock of ye Spotswoods, & what Kindred we have now in
being. My ignorance in this point proceeds from my Father's dying
while I was very young, & from my being bred in another countrey
from among his Relations: & my Desire too of such an information
is stirr'd up lately by my meeting att Colchester wth a Son of the
Lady Rossling, One Mr George Hay, who is a Cousin of mine, but which
way I know not very well, neither had I time to enquire of him,
his stay being no longer yn till their stage-coach had shifted horses.
As I think it is requisite yt every one (especially those who value their
family & can rather boast yn be asham'd of it) shou'd have a thorogh
knowledge of their own descent & kindred; so I hope ye necessity thereof
may plead some excuse for my desiring to put you to a trouble, whereby
you'll much Oblige Sr Your Most affectionate Kinsman
& humble Servant
A Spotswood
My Love & service to your Lady Mother & to ye rest of our Relations, though unknown